The Right Stuff Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Right Stuff Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the biggest challenge of landing on a carrier ship?

2. Who does NASA hire to be the astronauts' press representative?

3. Which of the astronauts had separated from his wife, but reconciles with her after the psychological interviews at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base because he thinks it will improve his chances for astronaut selection?

4. What is the one sound that test pilots' wives are most afraid of?

5. When Gus Grissom's wife gives birth to their first child, where is Gus?

Short Essay Questions

1. Jane Conrad sees a real man going to her front door and realizes it wasn't one of her hallucinations. Who is the man and why is he there?

2. Why do Chuck Yeager's comments in Phoenix almost set off a national scandal? What happens to avoid the scandal?

3. What does Chuck Yeager become convinced of as he pilots the X-1 at near-Mach I speeds?

4. Name three tests conducted at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base on the pilots.

5. Why does Gus Grissom feel that the reporter's question regarding whether or not the pilots feel they would come back from space is a stupid question?

6. What is the Konakai Séance?

7. Why does Gus Grissom find the selection of Scott Carpenter as an astronaut odd?

8. As the number of killed pilots rises, how does that affect the mood of Pete Conrad?

9. The training program for the chimpanzees is based on operant conditioning. Describe what that means for the chimpanzees.

10. According to the author, why does every pilot sound the same and talk with a lilting, vaguely Southern-sounding drawl?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The book first introduces us to some of the Mercury astronauts during their test flying days and, by the astronaut selection process, we have met all seven of the men who will be selected for Project Mercury. By the end of the book, we have seen these men over three to four years.

a. Compare and contrast the attitudes of the Original Seven astronauts when they first entered the training program to their attitudes towards the conclusion of the Mercury program. How did their success affect the systems in place at NASA?

b. How did the success of the Mercury program change these men, if at all? Pick two of the seven and support your answer.

Essay Topic 2

In the early days of the space program, while the Americans were blowing up more rockets than they were successfully launching, an international conference was held that was attended by both the Soviets and the Americans.

a. What did the United States learn as a result of attending the conference?

b. What fears were assuaged for the United States by the international conference?

c. Had the Cold War not been ongoing, could the United States and Russian programs worked together to enhance both programs? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 3

To say that the Original Seven astronauts were looked up to would be a gross understatement; they were adored and admired national heroes. Yet, in spite of their fame, they only had one magazine, Life, that told their stories.

a. What were the reasons for the press restrictions?

b. Why was Life magazine selected?

c. In today's world, would heroes agree to only one magazine with exclusive coverage? Why or why not?

d. If the intense hype surrounding the astronauts back then surrounded them in today's environment, identify three differences in how the astronauts would have been "marketed" to the nation.

(see the answer keys)

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