The Right Stuff Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Right Stuff Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the chimpanzee's rocket is launched, the rocket climbs at a slight higher angle that it is supposed to climb. What is the result?
(a) The capsule experiences more friction than expected and burns up on re-entry.
(b) The rocket self-corrects and re-establishes the proper climbing angle.
(c) The higher angles causes such an increase in g forces that the chimpanzee does not survive.
(d) The capsule splashes down 132 miles away from the intended splash area.

2. How far away from the intended splash zone does the capsule land?
(a) 100 miles.
(b) 7 miles.
(c) 250 miles.
(d) 40 miles.

3. Why are the Edward's pilots miffed by NASA's treatment of Grissom after the mistake in the capsule?
(a) NASA provides extensive interview opportunities to Grissom.
(b) NASA doesn't punish Grissom.
(c) NASA sends Grissom to the White House.
(d) NASA gives Grissom a $20,000 bonus.

4. In the wake of the successful Mercury flight, even Shorty Powers becomes famous. Who is Shorty Powers?
(a) The Life magazine reporter.
(b) The head of NASA.
(c) The voice of Mercury control.
(d) The head engineer.

5. Who is Bob Gilruth?
(a) The head engineer of Project Mercury.
(b) The X-15 pilot who joined the astronauts for training.
(c) The man in charge of Project Mercury.
(d) The veterinarian brought in to dismantle the chimpanzee colony.

Short Answer Questions

1. On John Glenn's 40th birthday, who comes to Glenn's birthday dinner?

2. What is the new moon program called?

3. As he sits in the capsule waiting to be launched into space, what is Shepard most afraid of?

4. What is President Kennedy obsessed with?

5. John Glenn's flight and his taking on "the mighty Soviet Integral" causes comparisons with what Biblical story?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 15, what does John Glenn argue with James Webb about?

2. During the delay before the launch, Shepard found his biggest issue to be his need to use the restroom. However, no device for urination was designed into the capsule. Why not?

3. Why does Webb declare Cooper's flight to be the last of the Mercury program?

4. What does Grissom say to the second group of astronauts to keep them in their place?

5. What is the effect on Shepard of having so many pre-flight simulations?

6. When Bob Gilruth calls the astronauts together for an emergency meeting just before Christmas, what is the purpose of the meeting?

7. The seven original Mercury astronauts receive the Iven C. Kincheloe Award for outstanding professional performance in the conduct of test flight from the Society for Experimental Test Pilots. What does receiving this award mean to the astronauts?

8. When urination had been a problem in the procedures trainer, what had some of the astronauts done out of necessity and what are the dangers involved in a real-world situation?

9. What worries the astronauts the most about Project Mercury potentially losing funding?

10. Why is Betty Grissom so upset at the treatment of Gus after his flight?

(see the answer keys)

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