The Right Stuff Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Right Stuff Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What state is Chuck Yeager from?
(a) Minnesota.
(b) West Virginia.
(c) Kentucky.
(d) Florida.

2. What is the most difficult routine in military flying?
(a) Formation flying.
(b) All-weather flying.
(c) Instrument-only flying.
(d) Carrier landings.

3. What recent invention makes Program Mercury possible at all?
(a) The high-carbon fuel.
(b) The launch software.
(c) The rocket propulsion system.
(d) The high-speed, electronic computer.

4. What does every fighter jock also think of himself as?
(a) A ladies' man.
(b) An ace driver.
(c) An indestructible force.
(d) A being just beneath God.

5. Where is Cape Canaveral located?
(a) Cocoa Beach, Florida.
(b) Jacksonville, Florida.
(c) Destin, Florida.
(d) Miami Beach, Florida.

6. What is focused on as being the pilots' best qualification for their selection to the Project Mercury astronaut program at the press conference?
(a) Their physical fitness.
(b) Their extraordinary combat accomplishments.
(c) Their superior adaptability.
(d) Their piloting skills.

7. Which of the astronauts commands the least star power?
(a) Deke Slayton.
(b) Alan Shepard.
(c) John Glenn.
(d) Scott Carpenter.

8. Which of the astronauts commands the most star power?
(a) John Glenn.
(b) Deke Slayton.
(c) Scott Carpenter.
(d) Alan Shepard.

9. From the original volunteers for the program, how many are finally accepted as astronauts?
(a) 12.
(b) 10.
(c) 20.
(d) 7.

10. How does Ted Whelan die?
(a) His plane crash lands in a swamp.
(b) His parachute fails to open.
(c) He is in a car accident.
(d) He flies beneath the hard deck and into power lines.

11. What did the astronauts most often hit in the procedures trainer?
(a) The oxygen stir handle.
(b) The launch button.
(c) The communications button.
(d) The abort handle.

12. Which pilot marches into General Schwichenberg's office, throws an enema bag on his desk, and refuses to give himself any more enemas?
(a) Pete Conrad.
(b) Wally Schirra.
(c) Alan Shepard.
(d) Jim Lovell.

13. When Pete receives his top-secret orders, what is the project he is being asked to volunteer for?
(a) The Saturn Project.
(b) The Moon Project.
(c) The X-1 Project.
(d) The Mercury Project.

14. How many planes does a pilot have to shoot down in combat to be considered an "ace"?
(a) 3.
(b) 7.
(c) 5.
(d) 10.

15. What does "pushing the outside of the envelope" refer to?
(a) The limits of a particular aircraft's performance.
(b) The new US Postal Service's mailing requirements.
(c) The farthest distance from the base a plane can fly without refueling.
(d) The least amount of sleep a test pilot needs before being considered safe to fly.

Short Answer Questions

1. In every flight class, what ratio of new trainees do not earn their wings?

2. What do the Project Mercury engineers think will be an easy task?

3. What does the author compare the career path of a fighter pilot to?

4. Why should Yeager be grounded and not allowed to fly the test flight to break the sound barrier on October 14th?

5. What does the author liken the deck of a carrier to?

(see the answer keys)

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