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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who does Jeff ask Lucy to care for?
2. Who asks Jeff to go with him to the other side of the river?
3. Who says "You can always go farther than you think."?
4. Where is the Jackman family moving to?
5. How many men station themselves on the Rebel side of the Arkansas River?
Short Essay Questions
1. What is Colonel Watie's plan that Jeff overheard?
2. What does Jeff tell Lucy about the Declaration of Independence?
3. What information does the letter in the haversack contain?
4. What favor does Jeff do for the Negro slave?
5. What is the "social duty" detail that Jeff is ordered to participate in?
6. When Jeff became ill, how does he get to the Jackmans' home?
7. Describe Boggy Depot.
8. What does Jeff find in the Washbournes' cow lot?
9. What information does Jeff gather the night he swims with the enemy?
10. How does Fort Gibson get its food?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Part 1) Why did the author choose to write the story in past tense? What does it convey to the author?
Part 2) Why does the author reveal at the end of the story that Jeff will sleep on the ground for many years to come but not answer the question of whether he will be able to find Lucy?
Part 3) Would it have been as effective to write the story in present tense?
Essay Topic 2
Part 1) What common ideas about the Civil War does this book challenge?
Part 2) Is it easily understood that Jeff was torn between the two sides after spending time with the Confederate men? Explain.
Essay Topic 3
Pick one of the following to write about:
Part 1) There are several sub plots in RIFLES FOR WATIE. Pick one of the sub plots that you believe could have been eliminated completely and why it did not add, or added very little, to the story.
Part 2) Pick one of the sub plots from RIFLES FOR WATIE that could have been made into a complete story on its own. Explain your reasoning.
Part 3) Explain what the tone of the story is and how the author chose to create this tone.
This section contains 868 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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