Rifles for Watie Test | Final Test - Easy

Harold Keith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rifles for Watie Test | Final Test - Easy

Harold Keith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why doesn't Jeff ride his horse?
(a) He is too tired.
(b) He is too dizzy.
(c) He is too hungry.
(d) He is too scared.

2. How will Jeff get to Fort Gibson?
(a) Ride the mess wagon.
(b) Ride Flea Bite.
(c) Float the Buffalo River.
(d) Walk.

3. What is Hancock Mission?
(a) A church with a graveyard.
(b) A slave hospital.
(c) An orphanage.
(d) An indian reserve.

4. Where does Jeff go when he returns to Tahlequah?
(a) Linn County, Kansas.
(b) Lucy Washbourne's home.
(c) Fort Gibson, Mississippi.
(d) Van Buren, Arkansas.

5. Where is the Jackman family moving to?
(a) The South.
(b) Kentucky.
(c) Canada.
(d) The North.

6. Which direction does Jeff choose to travel?
(a) South.
(b) East.
(c) North.
(d) West.

7. Who does Jeff ask Lucy to care for?
(a) Dixie.
(b) Bess.
(c) Emory.
(d) Martha.

8. How does the Washbourne house appear?
(a) Deserted.
(b) Well lit.
(c) Welcoming.
(d) Old.

9. Who recognizes Jeff back at the Rebel camp?
(a) Stand Watie.
(b) General Blunt.
(c) Sergeant Orff.
(d) Captain Clardy.

10. Why does the Jackman family care for Jeff?
(a) He needs surgery.
(b) He has malaria.
(c) He has the flu.
(d) He is shot.

11. What does Lucy use to chase the Union soldier away with?
(a) A gun.
(b) A pitch fork.
(c) A hairbrush.
(d) A pocketbook.

12. What does Leemon Jones do?
(a) Drives a small herd of red cows.
(b) Cooks for the master.
(c) Drives the Major's carriage.
(d) Cares for the church.

13. Who is the old man sleeping on a quilt outside the headquarters tent?
(a) Colonel Stand Watie.
(b) A Choctaw beggar.
(c) The Cherokee shaman.
(d) A Chickasaw beggar.

14. Who gives Jeff a horse?
(a) David.
(b) Heifer.
(c) Leemon.
(d) Perce.

15. What is the worth of the train seized from Fort Scott, Kansas?
(a) $ 150
(b) $ 1,500,000,000
(c) $ 1,500
(d) $ 1,500,000

Short Answer Questions

1. What are redbud tree leaves shaped like?

2. Who says "You can always go farther than you think."?

3. When does Jeff forget about the war?

4. How many men station themselves on the Rebel side of the Arkansas River?

5. What signals the Rebels' charge?

(see the answer keys)

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