Riders of the Purple Sage Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Riders of the Purple Sage Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Bess and Venters take back with them to their camp?
(a) Rabbit.
(b) Water.
(c) Pottery.
(d) Stones.

2. The morning after the storm, what does Bess ask Venters?
(a) If she was a baby.
(b) If he loves her.
(c) If he was scared of the storm.
(d) If he's leaving today.

3. In the end, what does Venters do to Oldring?
(a) He shares a drink with him.
(b) He tells him that he loves Bess.
(c) He kills him.
(d) He takes him to Surprise Valley.

4. When Venters comes from Surprise Valley, where do he and Lassiter go together?
(a) To get a stiff drink.
(b) To sit by the water.
(c) To the sage.
(d) Into Cottonwoods.

5. After Bess is well, what do she and Venters do everyday in Surprise Valley?
(a) Build a home where the cliff dwellers were.
(b) Worry that Bess will still die.
(c) Wander and explore.
(d) Worry about what will happen next.

6. When Venters returns with the horses after the race, what news does he hear from his friend?
(a) That Lassiter is in love with Jane.
(b) That Lassiter stole from Jane.
(c) That Lassiter killed Tull.
(d) That Lassiter left town.

7. When Venters arrives at Withersteen House from Surprise Vallley, what will he do if Jane stops defending Tull?
(a) He promises to not draw on Tull.
(b) He will befriend Tull.
(c) He will take care of Tull when he is old.
(d) He promises to talk to Tull.

8. What did Frank Erne do to the new preacher in town?
(a) Became his best friend.
(b) Helped him in his work.
(c) Went to his church and ran him out of town.
(d) Converted to Momonism and left town with him.

9. When Venters confronts Oldring what does he yell across the room?
(a) "A word for you--from Bess!"
(b) "Prepare to die!"
(c) "Get down!"
(d) "A word for you--from your Masked Rider!"

10. How do Venters and Bess know the storms are over?
(a) The purple clouds turn to white.
(b) It does not rain for four days.
(c) They know the rainy season is over.
(d) Ring is energetic.

11. Venters and Bess take cover from the storm in their cave and Bess, afraid, snuggles with Venters. What does he know in this moment?
(a) That Bess is afraid of him.
(b) That Bess will return someday to Oldring.
(c) That Bess loves him.
(d) That Bess will marry him.

12. How does Jane react at first when her and Lassiter meet Venters and Bess?
(a) She is untrusting.
(b) She is confused.
(c) She is angry at Venters.
(d) She forgives Venters.

13. When Venters sees Jerry Card on this horse, what does Venters do?
(a) He runs him off a cliff.
(b) He talks to him and convinces him to give up the horse.
(c) He shoots him.
(d) He chases him.

14. What horses are Bess and Venters riding during their getaway?
(a) Wrangle and Bells.
(b) 2 burros.
(c) Bells and Night.
(d) Black Star and Night.

15. What does Lassiter do to Withersteen house when he and Jane flee?
(a) He throws water from the spring all over the house.
(b) He does nothing to the house.
(c) He blows up the house.
(d) He fires the house.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Bess and Venters are making their getaway, what does Bess see on the horizon?

2. After Venters says goodbye to Lassiter, what new worry comes to his mind?

3. After Lassiter leaves Surprise Valley, what is the secret Bess reveals to Venters?

4. When Venters finally catches up to Black Star, what does he think has happened to the horse?

5. What is Lassiter losing on his climb up the cliff to Surprise Valley?

(see the answer keys)

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