Ride the Wind: The Story of Cynthia Ann Parker and the Last Days of the Comanche Test | Final Test - Easy

Lucia St. Clair Robson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ride the Wind: The Story of Cynthia Ann Parker and the Last Days of the Comanche Test | Final Test - Easy

Lucia St. Clair Robson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Ride the Wind: The Story of Cynthia Ann Parker and the Last Days of the Comanche Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Wanderer tell Naduah he has returned to the Wasp band in Chapter 35?
(a) To take over Pahayuca's job.
(b) To avenge the death of a friend.
(c) To help with the season's hunt.
(d) To find a wife.

2. Why does Wanderer decide to leave the Wasp band again?
(a) To take care of his brother.
(b) To help his father's band.
(c) To help his uncle's band.
(d) To take care of his mother.

3. What is Naduah's dowry in her marriage to Wanderer?
(a) One hundred horses.
(b) Twenty horses.
(c) Ten horses.
(d) One horse.

4. Where is Naduah taken after she is captured by white raiders?
(a) Fort Davis.
(b) Fort Stockton.
(c) Parker's Fort.
(d) Camp Cooper.

5. What does the trader try to tell Wanderer and Naduah about Texas and their ability to beat them in a war?
(a) It has reverted back to Mexico.
(b) It has become a state in the union.
(c) It has become a republic.
(d) It has built up its own army with the Rangers.

6. Why does Bear Cub decide to leave the Indians in Chapter 47?
(a) The Indian life has changed.
(b) The Indians no longer do what he wants.
(c) The Indians remind him too much of dead friends.
(d) The Indians are cruel to him.

7. Who have the soldiers killed in Chapter 53?
(a) Only children and old women.
(b) Only women, children, and old men.
(c) Only women, children, and livestock.
(d) Only elderly women.

8. Why does Buffalo Piss come to the Quahadi in Chapter 38?
(a) To attend a war council.
(b) To talk about winter camp arrangements.
(c) To visit Wanderer.
(d) To ask for food.

9. What is cholera?
(a) An infectious disease of the gastrointestinal track.
(b) A flu-like illness.
(c) An infection of the lungs.
(d) A measles-like illness.

10. For what reason does Pahayuca take his people off the Staked Plains?
(a) They are suffering the white man's illness.
(b) They are starving.
(c) They are unable to find the plant foods they need to survive.
(d) They are unwilling to hunt anymore.

11. Where does Bear Cub decide to settle in the end of Chapter 47?
(a) A ranch in Mexico.
(b) Oklahoma.
(c) North Texas.
(d) A farm in Illinois.

12. Who spots Naduah during a raid in Chapter 42?
(a) Cherokee.
(b) Texas Rangers.
(c) White soldiers.
(d) White settlers.

13. What name is given to Naduah and Wanderer's first child?
(a) Quanah.
(b) Toh-Tsee-Ah.
(c) Pecos.
(d) Quadoi.

14. What does Wanderer believe the Comanche need to fight the white man?
(a) Money.
(b) Guns.
(c) Knives.
(d) Maps.

15. What news greets Wanderer when he returns to the Wasp camp after the ambush at Plum Creek?
(a) His brother died at Plum Creek.
(b) His father has been captured by white soldiers.
(c) Raids have killed his mother.
(d) Raids are decimating Comanche bands.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do the soldiers announce they have killed the Noconi leader?

2. What do the soldiers quickly notice about Naduah in Chapter 54?

3. Why does Old Owl return Bear Cub to the white man in Chapter 34?

4. What is the name of Naduah's daughter?

5. What causes the journey back from Plum Creek to be so difficult on young warriors like Upstream?

(see the answer keys)

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