Riddley Walker Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Riddley Walker Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Riddley go to get his scar?

2. After he splits the atom, why doesn't Eusa know how many changes there are to come?

3. Why does Riddley begin to tell the Eusa story from the time he was 7 or 8?

4. How many more changes will there be after the atom is split in the written Eusa story?

5. Why couldn't the people in Lorna's story get any rest after they obtained the 2nd knowledge?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happened three days after Riddley's naming day?

2. In the Goodparley/Orfing show, what does Eusa do in the "time back."

3. Why did Riddley climb the big iron thing after his father died?

4. What was the second thing that happened after Brooder died?

5. At the beginning of the novel, why do you think Riddley Walker says, "Your turn now my turn later"?

6. Describe what happens in the story, "Hart of the Wood" that Riddley tells.

7. How did people treat Riddley after his father's cremation?

8. After Riddley's father dies, what do Riddley and the other men hear coming from Widders Dump?

9. What does Riddley do with the dog he kills?

10. Describe the game the children play after Riddley kills the boar.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Up until Riddley goes to Fork Stoan with Lissener, Riddley has been against Goodparley's plan to bring back technology. In Chapter 13, when Riddley and Lissener see old machines nearly intact, the sight makes Riddley cry. Why do the machines cause Riddley to have such a strong reaction? What does Riddley understand about the word shynin when he sees the machines? Why does the sight of the machines help him understand what has been lost? How does his sudden understanding of Eusa, Eusa's head and the Littl Shyning Man make him want to get the shyning Power back? Why does he want to be like those who had boats in the air and picters on the wind? Why does he want to see the shyning weals turning? Why does he no longer want to be against Goodparley's plan?

Essay Topic 2

Riddley often mentions the odors around him. Do these frequent references to the sense of smell make the scenes in the novel more realistic? Why or why not? List examples of times when Riddley mentions how something smells. How would you classify the scents in Riddley's world? What do the odors tell you about Riddley's world?

Essay Topic 3

In Chapter 10, Riddley says that "1ce the kids start singing at you thas a cern kinyd of track youre on nor there aint to much you can do about it." Compare what Nimbel Potter sings about Riddley at the beginning of Chapter 10 and what the kid sings about Riddley when Riddley leaves Weaping Form. Does Riddley want to be on the track referred to in Chapter 10? Does he want to be on the track referred to in the last chapter? How are the two songs alike? How are they different? Did the song in Chapter 10 hint at what was to come for Riddley? Does the song in the last chapter hint at what is to come?

(see the answer keys)

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