Riddley Walker Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Riddley Walker Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Chapter 1

1. How old is the narrator of the story?
(a) He is twenty-one today.
(b) He is eighteen today.
(c) He is sixteen years old.
(d) He is twelve years old.

2. What is the first thing the narrator does in Chapter 1?
(a) Goes for a walk.
(b) Kills a wild boar.
(c) Talks to an old woman.
(d) Kills a deer.

3. Who was following the narrator and his companions on the day the novel begins?
(a) The chard coal burners.
(b) The narrator's father.
(c) The narrator's best friend.
(d) The leader of the Bernt Arse pack.

4. What did the leader of the group that was following the narrator look like?
(a) He was a small, but powerful, man.
(b) He was a tall, heavily built man.
(c) He was a small, deformed lion.
(d) He was a big black and red spotted dog.

5. Who do the narrator and his companions pass as they walk by with their prize on the first day of the novel?
(a) A clever looking bloke.
(b) The chard coal burners.
(c) A man, woman, and child.
(d) The Hart of the Wood.

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