The Richest Man in Babylon Test | Final Test - Easy

George Samuel Clason
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Richest Man in Babylon Test | Final Test - Easy

George Samuel Clason
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What floats into the sky to carry the message of victory?
(a) Music.
(b) White smoke.
(c) Blue smoke.
(d) Ribbons.

2. Who is the first person to talk to Banzar?
(a) A woman.
(b) Rodan.
(c) An elderly merchant.
(d) Mathon.

3. What does Mathon do?
(a) Tells Rodan two stories.
(b) Gives Rodan money to go away.
(c) Unexpectedly dies.
(d) Leaves immediately.

4. How long have the walls stood in place?
(a) For over 300 years.
(b) For over 1000 years.
(c) For over 500 years.
(d) For over 10 years.

5. What happens when Dabasir takes a beautiful wife?
(a) He dies.
(b) He wants to leave her almost immediately.
(c) She diets.
(d) He tries to provide her with all the things she desires.

6. Who has lost all of his money?
(a) Arkad.
(b) Dabasir.
(c) Sira.
(d) Tarkad.

7. With whom does Dabasir take up?
(a) Tax collectors.
(b) Moneylenders.
(c) Bansir.
(d) A band of thieves.

8. Who writes the letter for this chapter?
(a) Professor Franklin.
(b) Alfred Shrewsbury.
(c) Professor Caldwell.
(d) Bansir.

9. What does Banzar say about the walls of Babylon?
(a) They are strong and will keep people safe.
(b) They are going to fall.
(c) They are swaying.
(d) They aren't tall enough.

10. How much should Rodan loan to his sister's husband?
(a) 3 gold pieces.
(b) 2 gold pieces.
(c) All he has.
(d) 1 gold piece.

11. What does Banzar tell everyone?
(a) The walls of Babylon will protect you.
(b) The walls of Babylon should be enough.
(c) We are all doomed.
(d) Run for your lives.

12. What happens as a result of #98?
(a) The ass is put to work in the fields.
(b) The animals die.
(c) The farmer is put into danger.
(d) Nothing.

13. Who is leading a caravan across the desert?
(a) Sharru Nada.
(b) Rodan.
(c) Mathon.
(d) Bansir.

14. Who is Sira?
(a) Another thief.
(b) The Syrian chief's wife.
(c) A stranger Dabasir meets.
(d) Another slave.

15. What else does Banzar tell the person from #110?
(a) To leave town.
(b) To run away.
(c) To be brave.
(d) To stay close to the walls.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does the person in #127 meet?

2. Who has a tattoo like those of a sailor?

3. What does Dabasir do for Sira?

4. What does Mathon show Rodan?

5. What does Dabasir do to keep up with his debt?

(see the answer keys)

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