The Richest Man in Babylon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

George Samuel Clason
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Richest Man in Babylon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

George Samuel Clason
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Arkad realize about success?
(a) It's something that can not be taught.
(b) One needs to study and to be patient.
(c) It's not for everyone.
(d) It's all about fate.

2. What do Bansir and Kobbi wonder?
(a) How much money Arkad has
(b) If they should team up to start a business.
(c) Why some flourish but most struggle to survive
(d) Whether moving away is a good idea.

3. What is Basir's job?
(a) A chariot maker
(b) A bread maker
(c) A potter
(d) A carpet maker

4. Where does Arkad say that good luck does not frequent?
(a) Gaming tables.
(b) Farms.
(c) Other countries.
(d) Churches.

5. How do Kobbi and Bansir know Arkad?
(a) He helps them in their work.
(b) He was an old friend.
(c) They don't.
(d) He lives with them.

6. Who does Bansir want to help?
(a) Just his friend.
(b) No one. He's just curious.
(c) Everyone.
(d) Just himself.

7. How does this chapter begin?
(a) With Kobbi's story.
(b) With a Babylonian proverb.
(c) With Arad's story.
(d) With Arkad's story.

8. When the man tells a story of a missed business venture, who was the person who gave him the initial advice?
(a) His friend.
(b) His father.
(c) His brother.
(d) His uncle.

9. Why does the man regret not taking the advice?
(a) It would have helped him find a new home.
(b) The venture would have helped his friend.
(c) The venture proved quite lucrative.
(d) It would have led him to a more beautiful wife.

10. For whom or what does Bansir want to save his money?
(a) A new house.
(b) His family.
(c) New clothes.
(d) A vacation.

11. Who is the old friend riding the golden chariot?
(a) Algamish
(b) Arad
(c) Kobbi
(d) Arkad

12. What was Arkad before his current position?
(a) A slave
(b) A lowly worker
(c) A royal king
(d) A bread maker

13. What is the main lesson of this chapter?
(a) That money isn't everything.
(b) That a man cannot achieve wealth on his own.
(c) That money is hard to accumulate.
(d) That you should learn to save on your own.

14. Of what are the majority of missed opportunities the result?
(a) Bad karma.
(b) Silence.
(c) Bad luck.
(d) Hesitation.

15. What can Nomasir do when he returns to Arkad?
(a) Reveal his new robes.
(b) Repay Arkad, plus two additional bags of gold.
(c) Stay forever.
(d) Beg for money.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the final thing that Arkad tells the men?

2. What does additional skills give a man?

3. Who does Arkad have to see in order to explain the answer to #39?

4. What is a word that doesn't describe Bansir?

5. Who is the friend of the answer to #2?

(see the answer keys)

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