Richard Brautigan's Trout Fishing in America ; the Pill Versus the Springhill Mine Disaster ; and, in Watermelon Sugar Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Richard Brautigan's Trout Fishing in America ; the Pill Versus the Springhill Mine Disaster ; and, in Watermelon Sugar Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Richard Brautigan's Trout Fishing in America ; the Pill Versus the Springhill Mine Disaster ; and, in Watermelon Sugar Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through In Watermelon Sugar.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What river does Brautigan write of in "Education" in The Pill versus The Springhill Mine Disaster?
(a) Mississippi River.
(b) Cold Pine River.
(c) Klamath River.
(d) Foxwoods River.

2. What does Brautigan harbor himself towards in "Hey, Bacon!" in The Pill versus The Springhill Mine Disaster?
(a) An omelet.
(b) Two eggs over easy.
(c) Pancakes.
(d) Two eggs scrambled.

3. Where does the narrator write of spending the night in In Watermelon Sugar's Chapter 10, "A Lot of Good Nights"?
(a) iDEATH.
(b) The Forgotten Works.
(c) The Power Works.
(d) The Lost Works.

4. Who has died in Chapter 67, "The Grand Old Trout Again" of In Watermelon Sugar?
(a) Pauline.
(b) Margaret.
(c) The narrator.
(d) Sarah.

5. Brautigan writes in Chapter 8, "Grider Creek" of Trout Fishing in America that the large creeks were running muddy from the snow melting off what mountains?
(a) Boonville Mountains.
(b) Marble Mountains.
(c) Silver Mountains.
(d) Golden Mountains.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Charley pour all over the shack in Chapter 60, "Shack Fever" of In Watermelon Sugar?

2. In Trout Fishing in America, Brautigan writes that death by what is cruel and unusual?

3. What year is cited in "Alas, Measured Perfectly" from The Pill versus The Springhill Mine Disaster?

4. Brautigan finds a statue of a what in Trout Fishing in America's Chapter 23, "On Paradise"?

5. What does Ophelia float like in "The Rape of Ophelia" in The Pill versus The Springhill Mine Disaster?

(see the answer key)

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Buy the Richard Brautigan's Trout Fishing in America ; the Pill Versus the Springhill Mine Disaster ; and, in Watermelon Sugar Lesson Plans
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