Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. With whom is Thomas now having an affair?
2. What is the name of the corporation that Rudolph forms?
3. What is Mary contemplating on this evening?
4. For what is Thomas arrested in Part 1, Chapter 9?
5. What is Thomas accused of at the club?
Short Essay Questions
1. What are the reasons that Axel is depressed which ultimately lead to his death?
2. How is Gretchen's life going in New York?
3. What is Mary's reaction when she learns that Axel gave up $5,000 to save Thomas?
4. In what way is Gretchen showing some emotional growth?
5. What behavior does Gretchen seem unable to shake?
6. Explain the foreshadowing related to Thomas' discovery of Gretchen's affair.
7. What is the nature of Thomas' affair with Clothilde?
8. How are Rudolph, Gretchen and Thomas introduced in the story?
9. Explain the foreshadowing of Axel's being in a boat.
10. How is Rudolph's career taking off at Calderwood's company/
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The author uses several instances of irony in the book. One example is the boat-related deaths of Axel and Thomas. Cite at least two other examples you can identify in the story and note why they are examples of irony.
Essay Topic 2
Alcohol abuse seems to be an unnamed character in the book. How pervasive is the abuse? Why does it have such a prevalent place in the characters' lives? How does it affect the abusers? How does it affect those impacted by the abusers? Explain how an inanimate object or characteristic can be a character.
Essay Topic 3
Explain the author's use of point of view in this story. Identify the point of view used and explain why this book qualifies. How would the book have changed if the author had selected a different point of view?
This section contains 938 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |