Rich Man, Poor Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rich Man, Poor Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What offer does Virginia Calderwood continue to make to Rudolph?
(a) To be his realtor
(b) To be his investment banker
(c) To be his mistress
(d) To be his interior designer

2. Where does Thomas marry Kate?
(a) Antibes
(b) New York
(c) Geneva
(d) Cancun

3. Who is the man who bullies Thomas on the ship?
(a) Fiorucci
(b) Flora
(c) Fonzarelli
(d) Falconetti

4. What does Thomas remind Gretchen not to do?
(a) Tell Rudolph where he is
(b) Move back to New York
(c) Have any more children
(d) Go back to Willie

5. Why is Rudolph making the trip today?
(a) To look for real estate to open more stores
(b) To buy a sports team
(c) To check on his investments in an oil company
(d) To find a vacation home

6. Why is Thomas intent on making a living at sea?
(a) He wants to become a shipping magnate
(b) He is hiding from the mob
(c) He has always loved the water
(d) He wants to build ships

7. Who is the only person who remembers Gretchen's birthday?
(a) Thomas
(b) Rudolph
(c) Evans
(d) Billy

8. What does Jean say when Rudolph asks her to marry him?
(a) She'll think about it
(b) Someone else has also proposed to her
(c) No
(d) Yes

9. Where do Rudolph and Jean go on their honeymoon?
(a) Australia
(b) Africa
(c) Europe
(d) Asia

10. Where was the match that essentially ended Thomas' career?
(a) London
(b) Vancouver
(c) Paris
(d) Madrid

11. Colin did not have ________________ before he died.
(a) A will
(b) A child
(c) A lot of money
(d) An insurance policy

12. Who does Rudolph visit because he suspects mishandling of money?
(a) Gretchen
(b) Thomas
(c) Brad Knight
(d) Mr. Calderwood

13. At what age does Jean get her inheritance?
(a) 25
(b) 21
(c) 29
(d) 35

14. What is the message that Rudolph gets while in Europe?
(a) Mary is dying
(b) Mr. Calderwood has died
(c) Gretchen has remarried
(d) Thomas wants to see him

15. How much does Rudolph pay Thomas' old manager for information?
(a) $1,500
(b) $150
(c) $15,000
(d) $300

Short Answer Questions

1. Gretchen feels that ____________ is taking over her life.

2. What does Thomas request of Rudolph?

3. What does the man in #123 help Thomas to do?

4. On what board does Rudolph serve?

5. What does Thomas do to his sparring partner?

(see the answer keys)

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