Rhinoceros, and Other Plays Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rhinoceros, and Other Plays Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mother-Jacques note that the eggs don't have in The Future is in the Eggs?
(a) Three noses.
(b) Two noses.
(c) One eye.
(d) Three eyes.

2. What does Dudard tell Berenger he doesn't have any of in Act 3 of Rhinoceros?
(a) Intelligence.
(b) Sense of humor.
(c) Gin.
(d) Symptoms.

3. Where does Act 3 of Rhinoceros take place?
(a) Jean's apartment.
(b) Berenger's room.
(c) The Cafe.
(d) Berenger's office.

4. What does Girl-Friend do when Young Lover says, "It means that between us there is a basis of understanding on which we can build the edifice of our future"?
(a) Embraces him.
(b) Begins to leave.
(c) Laughs.
(d) Kisses him.

5. On what edge does the leader lean against, according to the Announcer in The Leader?
(a) The parapet.
(b) The stairs.
(c) The building.
(d) The balcony.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Grandfather-Jacques begin to do when he steps downstage to Jacques in The Future is in the Eggs?

2. What does Berenger say is good for epidemics in Act 3 of Rhinoceros?

3. Who does the leader embrace for a photograph, according to the Announcer in The Leader?

4. Who does Father-Robert say is always bleating about something in The Future is in the Eggs?

5. What does the leader do after changing his shirt, according to the Announcer in The Leader?

Short Essay Questions

1. What discussion do Berenger and Dudard engage in in the beginning of Act 3 of Rhinoceros?

2. Why is the setting for The Leader established as it is?

3. What justification does Dudard give to lessen Berenger's fear of leaving in Act 3 of Rhinoceros?

4. What is the setting of The Leader?

5. What does Dudard tell Berenger about work in Act 3 of Rhinoceros? What is Berenger's reaction?

6. What do the family members represent symbolically in The Future is in the Eggs?

7. In what ways does The Leader resemble Rhinoceros? How are the plays different?

8. Describe some of the examples of symbolism in The Leader.

9. What are some of the elements of Theater of the Absurd which are seen in The Leader?

10. What do the families do to get the attention of Jacques and Roberta in The Future is in the Eggs?

(see the answer keys)

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