Rhinoceros, and Other Plays Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rhinoceros, and Other Plays Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Girl-Friend carry when she reenters the second time in The Leader?
(a) A kitten.
(b) A suitcase.
(c) A bag.
(d) A basket.

2. Dudard claims in Act 3 of Rhinoceros that Mr. Papillon's transformation was his way of ___ himself.
(a) Sublimating.
(b) Promoting.
(c) Deteriorating.
(d) Submiring.

3. Father-Jacques tells his son that it is his duty to ensure the continuity of what in The Future is in the Eggs?
(a) The Catholics.
(b) The black race.
(c) The French.
(d) The white race.

4. Father-Jacques says "In our family it's the man's job" to do what in The Future is in the Eggs?
(a) Cook the dinner.
(b) Hatch the eggs.
(c) Bear the eggs.
(d) Break the eggs.

5. What is the leader missing in The Leader?
(a) A head.
(b) A parapet.
(c) An arm.
(d) A tie.

6. What does Dudard suggest Berenger has in the beginning of Act 3 of Rhinoceros?
(a) A concussion.
(b) A cold.
(c) A flu.
(d) A migraine.

7. What does Dudard tell Berenger he doesn't have any of in Act 3 of Rhinoceros?
(a) Sense of humor.
(b) Symptoms.
(c) Gin.
(d) Intelligence.

8. What does Berenger have on his head in Act 3 of Rhinoceros?
(a) A bump.
(b) A horn.
(c) A hat.
(d) A bandage.

9. Where does Act 3 of Rhinoceros take place?
(a) The Cafe.
(b) Berenger's office.
(c) Berenger's room.
(d) Jean's apartment.

10. What does Jacqueline tell the couple must be their constant thought in The Future is in the Eggs?
(a) Money.
(b) Hard work.
(c) Reproduction.
(d) Production.

11. What does Roberta make a sound like from the kitchen in The Future is in the Eggs?
(a) A duck.
(b) A chicken.
(c) A monkey.
(d) A cat.

12. What does Daisy give Berenger for being good in Act 3 of Rhinoceros?
(a) Brandy.
(b) Wine.
(c) Food.
(d) Water.

13. What does the crowd shout throughout The Leader?
(a) Long live the leader.
(b) Hail to the chief.
(c) Long live the king.
(d) We love you.

14. What does the Announcer say the leader does to the police force in The Leader?
(a) Inaugurates.
(b) Fires.
(c) Blesses.
(d) Hires.

15. What does the Announcer say that the leader swore in The Leader?
(a) "He's going to sign autographs."
(b) "He's making a speech."
(c) "His parade will begin in one hour."
(d) "He'd be passing here."

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Young Lover say to Girl-Friend before they exit in The Leader?

2. Who is considered to have an inferiority complex in Act 3 of Rhinoceros?

3. Who stands at either wall of the stage in the beginning of The Leader?

4. What are Jacques and Roberta doing at the opening of The Future is in the Eggs?

5. What does Berenger tell Dudard when he says, "This is the situation and there's nothing you can do about it"?

(see the answer keys)

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