The Rez Sisters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rez Sisters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the women do simultaneously when they learn of the biggest bingo game in the world?
(a) Laugh.
(b) Faint.
(c) Cry.
(d) Scream.

2. Whose names does Marie-Adele ask Veronique's daughter to list?
(a) Her children's.
(b) The ducks.
(c) The presidents.
(d) The pigs.

3. What does Philomena want to buy with her bingo winnings?
(a) A used car.
(b) A bottle of perfume.
(c) A new toilet.
(d) New clothes.

4. Who rushes to help Marie-Adele when she drops to her knees in Act 1, Scene 3, Part 1?
(a) Philomena.
(b) Veronique.
(c) Pelajia.
(d) Zhaboonigan.

5. What does Gazelle Nataways tell Veronique about bingo?
(a) There will be no more games on the reserve.
(b) The biggest game is coming to Toronto.
(c) She has quit playing because she won a big prize.
(d) That she will never be any good at bingo.

6. What does Zhaboonigan's name mean?
(a) Hammer.
(b) Turtle.
(c) Heart.
(d) Needle.

7. What emotional state is Veronique in when she comes to see Marie-Adele?
(a) She is sad.
(b) She is amused.
(c) She is happy.
(d) She is angry.

8. Why do people laugh at Veronique's daughter?
(a) Because she is funny.
(b) Because she is ugly.
(c) Because she wears silly clothing.
(d) Because she is different.

9. What do the women learn is the date for the biggest bingo game in the world?
(a) October 10th.
(b) March 1st.
(c) September 8th.
(d) July 28th.

10. Who does Pelajia suggest the women go to to get money for their trip?
(a) The Chief.
(b) Fire Minklater.
(c) Big Joey.
(d) The mayor.

11. What does Emily say is the source of her injury?
(a) An "attack."
(b) A "fight."
(c) A "squabble."
(d) A "tussle."

12. What are Nanabush and Windigo?
(a) Types of perfume.
(b) Saints.
(c) Spirits.
(d) Styles of bingo.

13. What does Zhaboonigan tell Nanabush when she first sees him?
(a) That she recognizes him.
(b) That she doesn't believe in him.
(c) The she can't fly.
(d) That she thought he was lost.

14. What does Pelajia say there will be more of as a result of better roads on the reserve?
(a) Stop signs.
(b) Cars.
(c) Jobs.
(d) Men.

15. When Emily teases Philomena about needing multiple toilets, how many does she say the woman will need?
(a) Five.
(b) Twenty.
(c) Ten.
(d) Two.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is dancing along behind the women as they make their way to the band office?

2. What is Emily Dictionary's real last name?

3. Why does Marie-Adele tell the seagull she can't go with him?

4. What is in the package that Annie receives from her daughter, besides a letter?

5. What does Pelajia threaten Emily with when the woman dares her to fight?

(see the answer keys)

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