Revolutionary Road Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Revolutionary Road Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does April takes out?
(a) A knife.
(b) A bottle of pills.
(c) Her abortion kit.
(d) A gun.

2. What does April repeatedly ask Frank about living in Europe?
(a) How he would feel about taking long vacation in Europe with his income as a successful employee of Knox Business Machines.
(b) How he would feel about not moving to Europe.
(c) If he is sure he still wants to move.
(d) If he wants to move within the month.

3. What does this woman tell Frank about Maureen?
(a) She is a horrible person and should stay away from married men.
(b) She has no idea what she is doing and is taking advantage of Frank's vullnerability.
(c) She is a sweet young girl who has been through some hard times and needs friendship.
(d) She is in love with Frank and wants to marry him.

4. Why does Frank says what John says is wrong?
(a) John is insane.
(b) John is a stranger.
(c) John is cruel.
(d) John is confused.

5. What does April do with what she has retrieved?
(a) She tears it up and throws it away.
(b) She reads it over and over again.
(c) She stares at it.
(d) She burns it.

6. With what is the conversation between Frank and Pollock juxtaposed?
(a) Frank's thoughts about his career in Europe.
(b) Frank's memories of his father.
(c) His account that he later gives to April and her reactions.
(d) Frank's thoughts about Pollock.

7. All four walk outside to the parking lot to discover what?
(a) The Campbells' car is blocked in place by other cars.
(b) The Campbells' car has a flat tire.
(c) The Campbells' car is missing.
(d) The Campbells' car has been broken into.

8. In the aftermath of April's death, what does Millie Campbell recount numerous times?
(a) What her son said to April.
(b) The final resolution of the Wheeler family.
(c) The last words she said to April.
(d) April's face.

9. After the Givings leave, what does Frank Wheeler do?
(a) He complains to his wife.
(b) He takes a nap.
(c) He talks to his children.
(d) He pours himself a stiff drink.

10. What haunts Helen Givings?
(a) The blood in the Wheelers' home.
(b) The sound of the siren.
(c) That her son had some connection with April's demise.
(d) The last words she said to April.

11. What is the Givings' son doing as Helen and Howard Givings come inside from the rain?
(a) He is banging on the door.
(b) He is trying to light a cigarette.
(c) He is standing in the rain.
(d) He is singing in the rain.

12. How does John speak to Frank?
(a) With great compassion.
(b) In a very shy manner.
(c) A prosecutorial tone.
(d) Kindly.

13. How does Frank respond to this woman's comments about Maureen?
(a) He understands what the woman is saying and will not see Maureen again.
(b) It is none of her business, and she is possibly a lesbian and definetly a pain in the ass.
(c) He is in love with Maureen and this woman should stay out of his business.
(d) He is sorry for the harm he has caused.

14. About whom is April's flashback?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Shep.
(c) Her father.
(d) Frank.

15. The loud gyrations of the drummer remind Frank of whom?
(a) An African dancer.
(b) The erotic moves of Maureen Grube.
(c) His wife.
(d) Milly.

Short Answer Questions

1. April lights another cigarette and retrieves what?

2. Where has April Wheeler been admitted?

3. What does Frank do while out with his wife and the Campbells?

4. What do April and Frank have for the first time in weeks?

5. Where does Shep plan to meet Frank?

(see the answer keys)

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