Revolutionary Road Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Revolutionary Road Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the audience do during intermission?
(a) They wander awkwardly around the high school building.
(b) They discuss how wonderful the performance is.
(c) They leave the poor performance.
(d) They complain about the amateur actors.

2. What does Frank fend off?
(a) Repeated calls from his wife.
(b) Maureen's flirtatious behavior.
(c) Invitations from other co-workers to join them for lunch.
(d) His boss.

3. How does Frank begin a subtle campaign to rid April of the notion he had put in her head?
(a) By telling her that he can read signs and generally get around Paris
(b) By telling her he has forgotten most of his French.
(c) By telling her he never was fluent in French.
(d) By telling her his Spanish is better than his French.

4. What does April say to Frank as he arrives home?
(a) She is sorry she forgot his birthday.
(b) She missed him all day, is sorry for their fight, and loves him.
(c) She does not want him in her home.
(d) She has been worried sick about him.

5. What does April recount?
(a) How she felt when she became pregnant with their first child.
(b) How she felt when they moved to Connecticut.
(c) How she felt when they first met.
(d) How she felt when they had their first fight.

6. About what do the Wheelers and their guests talk?
(a) The Givings' son.
(b) The weather, the neighborhood, and dinner.
(c) Going out dancing, dinner, and what is on television.
(d) The failed play, politics, and their neighbors.

7. How does Frank tell stories about himself?
(a) In a clipped voice.
(b) In a calculated way.
(c) In a seductive voice.
(d) In an honest way.

8. To what does Frank look forward?
(a) The beginning of the work week.
(b) The end of his marriage.
(c) The arrival of Shep and Milly Campbell.
(d) His children going back to school.

9. With what does Frank Wheeler struggle?
(a) His agreement to move his family to Paris.
(b) The question of who to tell, and when, of his planned departure from the Knox Business Machines Co.
(c) Whether or not he wants to leave his job and larger salary.
(d) His feelings about his wife.

10. What does Frank use to create a walkway in the front of the house?
(a) Bricks.
(b) Wooden planks.
(c) Stones.
(d) Cinderblocks.

11. How does Shep polish his shoes?
(a) Very sloppily.
(b) Quickly.
(c) With a dirty rag.
(d) Military-style.

12. With what is April energized?
(a) Tasks such as getting passports and looking into overseas employment.
(b) Planning gatherings for her friends.
(c) Her work as a housewife.
(d) Taking care of her children.

13. What does no one want to do?
(a) Go back into the auditorium for the second half of the play.
(b) See the performance end.
(c) Hear April sing.
(d) Leave the theater.

14. For what does April apologize again?
(a) Being hot-headed.
(b) Being rude and unkind.
(c) Making plans without discussing them with him first.
(d) Being hard to live with since her involvement with the community theater.

15. How did Frank respond when April did not consult him with her plans?
(a) He was embarrassed.
(b) He became angry.
(c) He was hurt.
(d) He was relieved.

Short Answer Questions

1. As they sip their tea, what does Helen Givings do?

2. How does sixty-seven-year-old Howard Givings look and act?

3. Why did Maureen marry at age eighteen?

4. Shep chooses to go into the army, where he is a member of what?

5. Why does Frank get a cab for himself and Maureen to take to a favorite restaurant?

(see the answer keys)

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