Revolution Test | Final Test - Medium

Jennifer Donnelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Revolution Test | Final Test - Medium

Jennifer Donnelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What favor did Vijay do for Andi?
(a) Called Virgil and apologized.
(b) Sang to her before she went to bed.
(c) Edited her thesis outline.
(d) Delivered a package to her mother.

2. Alex realizes she must choose between saving the prince and what?
(a) Feeding her family.
(b) Supporting Bonaparte.
(c) Leaving for America.
(d) Escaping Paris.

3. What does Alex witness on the night of September 2, 1792?
(a) The massacre of French nobles.
(b) The death of Bonaparte.
(c) The Duc killing the king.
(d) The liberation of Paris from the Germans.

4. How does Andi nearly lose Virgil and his friends in the tunnels?
(a) Andi has a panic attack.
(b) She takes a wrong turn.
(c) Virgil drops his light and she can't see him.
(d) She stops to read a poem on the wall.

5. How did Alex try to protect Louis-Charles from the Duc d' Orleans?
(a) She told the Duc the prince had run away.
(b) She didn't tell him of the plan to escape.
(c) She jumped the Duc when he tried to hit the prince.
(d) She hid him in her closet.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Alex's new job for the royal family?

2. What does Andi use as a guide?

3. Where does Andi go after finishing Alex's journal?

4. What does Andi work on when she returns home after visiting the catacombs?

5. What did Alex steal out of desperation?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Alex become involved with the Duc d' Orleans?

2. What choice is Alex faced with after the queen gives her the guitar?

3. What happens between Andi and her father after she hears him talking to his girlfriend on the phone?

4. What happens to Andi when she gets separated from her tour group in the catacombs?

5. Where is Andi when she and the man emerge from the tunnels?

6. What happened to Truman?

7. How does Virgil's attention make Andi feel?

8. What happens to Andi that parallels Alex's experience?

9. Why might Alex feel guilty about her interactions with the royal family?

10. Who is the girl Andi saw Virgil kiss at Remy's?

(see the answer keys)

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