The Revolt of 'Mother' Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Revolt of 'Mother' Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Sammy Penn doing when Mother goes back into the house?
(a) Reading a book.
(b) Making dinner.
(c) Eating supper.
(d) Combing his hair.

2. When Mother watches the men digging in the field, what does she ask Father?
(a) When the new cows are arriving.
(b) What they are digging for.
(c) What crops they are going to plant.
(d) If he is ready for supper.

3. How does Mother describe their house to Father?
(a) New wallpaper, new carpet, a lot of storage, and three rooms.
(b) Old wallpaper, no carpet, no storage, and only one room.
(c) Old wallpaper, no carpet, no storage, and two rooms.
(d) New wallpaper, new carpet, no storage, and several rooms.

4. When Sammy leaves in Section 2, where does Nanny go?
(a) To school with Sammy.
(b) To the store to buy more thread for her embroidery.
(c) To the neighbor's house with Sammy.
(d) To the store to buy more mincemeat for the pies.

5. What is Mother's description of what Father is doing regarding the family house and barn?
(a) Not lodging his "dumb beasts" very well.
(b) Not providing well for his family.
(c) Providing well for his family.
(d) Lodging his "dumb beasts" better than his flesh and blood.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Sammy's response to Mother's second question, what happens?

2. Who is the author of this story?

3. Which of the following makes "The Revolt of 'Mother'" atypical of the author's usual writing style?

4. What is the best description of the story with regard to the author's writing work?

5. During what time in history is "The Revolt of 'Mother'" set?

Short Essay Questions

1. How are Nanny and Sammy feeling as their father returns from his trip?

2. Does the author let the reader know whether the main character's decision coincides with her own morality? Explain.

3. When Mother makes the statement to Nanny about unsolicited opportunities, what is her thought, and what is the reader led to believe?

4. How does Mother explain the decision that she made during Father's absence to him?

5. When Nanny arrives home from her trip to the store, what does she tell her mother about the house? What suggestion does she make?

6. What does Father do when he arrives on the farm after his trip? What is his reaction to what he finds?

7. "The Revolt of 'Mother'" is typical of Freeman's stories in what specific way?

8. What occurs after the minister leaves?

9. What does Mother remind Father of when she tries to convince him that they need a new house and not a new barn?

10. Describe Father's attitude as he gives Mother the instructions before he leaves on his trip.

(see the answer keys)

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