The Revolt of 'Mother' Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Revolt of 'Mother' Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Father answers Mother's question about what they are digging for, what is his response?
(a) He is building a new house.
(b) He wishes she would go build a new house herself.
(c) He is building a new barn.
(d) He wishes she would go into the house and tend to her own affairs.

2. What answer does Mother give to Nanny's question about what the men are digging for?
(a) The cellar for a new house.
(b) A cellar for a new barn.
(c) A grave.
(d) A place to put a new house.

3. When Sammy leaves in Section 2, where does Nanny go?
(a) To school with Sammy.
(b) To the store to buy more thread for her embroidery.
(c) To the store to buy more mincemeat for the pies.
(d) To the neighbor's house with Sammy.

4. After Mother asks Sammy the question, what does she do to Sammy?
(a) Scolds him.
(b) Throws him out of the house.
(c) Hugs him.
(d) Makes him stand in the corner until his father arrives home.

5. Why is "The Revolt of 'Mother'" typical of this author's writing?
(a) The story provides a look at a woman and her interactions with husband and children.
(b) The story provides a look at a child and his interactions with his mother.
(c) The story provides a look at a woman and her interactions with friends.
(d) The story provides a look at a husband and his interactions with friends.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Mother observes Father's response to her questions following their bantering, what does Mother do?

2. What is the second thing Mother asks of Father once the bantering is over?

3. At first, how does Sammy respond to Mother's second question?

4. When Mother watches the men digging in the field, what does she ask Father?

5. What is the reason given in the introduction for the protagonist's actions?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the introduction do for the reader?

2. After Mother's confrontation inside with Father about the building of the new barn, what does she do and what is her attitude?

3. At the end of the day that Mother implements the decision she makes in Father's absense, what is the condition of the new barn and the old house?

4. When Nanny arrives home from her trip to the store, what does she tell her mother about the house? What suggestion does she make?

5. What is Nanny's reaction to her mother's venting?

6. Describe Nanny's reaction to her Mother's news about the location of the digging.

7. What does Mother do for Father before he leaves in Section 3?

8. What is the minister's reaction to his conversation with Mother?

9. When Mother makes the statement to Nanny about unsolicited opportunities, what is her thought, and what is the reader led to believe?

10. Why is the decision that Mother makes during Father's absence so shocking in the context of this story?

(see the answer keys)

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