The Revolt of 'Mother' Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Revolt of 'Mother' Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is waiting for Father to return from his time away?
(a) His in-laws.
(b) The minister's family.
(c) The church elders.
(d) A group of men.

2. By the day after the arrival at the farm, what information do the townspeople know?
(a) Father will not build Mother a new house.
(b) Father will build Mother a new barn for their new cows.
(c) Mother is livid.
(d) Mother has moved into the new barn.

3. What direction does Father give about the arrival at the farm before he leaves for his trip?
(a) Mother should start on a new dress for herself.
(b) The hay should go in the barn.
(c) The eggs should be cooked before they go bad.
(d) The cows should be put in the new barn.

4. Why do Mother and her visitor remain where they have their discussion?
(a) Because Mother has visitors.
(b) Because Nanny has visitors.
(c) Because Mother won't let the visitor in.
(d) Because the visitor will not come ino the house when Adonriam isn't home.

5. Who is in the house after Father leaves the farm?
(a) Nanny and the minister.
(b) Mother and the minister.
(c) Nanny and Mother.
(d) Mother and a worker.

6. Which of the following details does Mother do for Father before he embarks on his trip?
(a) She puts on his jacket.
(b) She buttons his collar.
(c) She harnesses the horse.
(d) She puts on his shoes.

7. What arrives at 11:00 in the morning in Section 4?
(a) Wood for the new barn.
(b) The hay cart.
(c) Carpet for the new house.
(d) The new cows.

8. Which command does Mother give Father as he leaves on his trip?
(a) Be careful.
(b) Return before nightfall.
(c) Be back by supper time.
(d) Come home in an hour.

9. In Section 4, who asks Mother what she is doing right after the arrival at the farm?
(a) Father.
(b) Nanny.
(c) A field worker.
(d) Sammy.

10. What does Father tell Mother might arrive while he is gone?
(a) Hay.
(b) Eggs.
(c) Cows.
(d) Calico.

11. Where are the men of the town discussing the piece of information that they know following the arrival at the Penn farm?
(a) In the streets.
(b) At the church.
(c) At each other's houses.
(d) In the store.

12. Who stands in front of whom when Father arrives home after his return?
(a) Sammy stands in front of Mother and Nanny.
(b) Mother stands in front of Nanny and Sammy.
(c) Nanny stands in front of Sammy and Mother.
(d) The minister stands in front of Mother and the children.

13. Based on the statement that Mother makes to Nanny after Father leaves the farm, from whom is she receiving direction for her thoughts?
(a) God.
(b) Her minister.
(c) Her children.
(d) Her husband.

14. What is the statement Mother makes to Nanny after Father leaves on his trip?
(a) Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
(b) Unsolicited opportunities are the guideposts of the Lord to the new roads of life.
(c) Children are a blessing from the Lord.
(d) The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.

15. By 5:00 on the night of the arrival at the farm, what is the best description of the old house?
(a) It is the same as it was that morning.
(b) It is messy.
(c) It is torn down.
(d) It is empty.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Mother joins him outside after she cleans up the dinner dishes following his return to the farm, what does she notice about Father?

2. Where is Father going when he leaves the farm?

3. Who comes to visit Mother?

4. What explanation does Mother give Father as to why she moved them into the new barn?

5. Describe the harness room of the new barn as it is in Section 4.

(see the answer keys)

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