The Revolt of 'Mother' Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Revolt of 'Mother' Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sammy do after Mother asks him her question?
(a) Ignores her.
(b) Tells her that he has no idea what his father is planning to do.
(c) Walks out of the house.
(d) Throws his plate against the wall.

2. Who is the main female character?
(a) Nanny.
(b) The minister's wife.
(c) Nanny's future mother-in-law.
(d) Mother.

3. What has Nanny Penn been doing during her parents' discussion about men digging in the field?
(a) Watching the men dig in the field.
(b) Watching her brother work.
(c) Spying on her parents' discussion.
(d) Working on her needlepoint.

4. From the introduction, what does the reader know about the main character?
(a) The main character will become engrossed in her relationships with her family.
(b) The main character will attack her husband.
(c) The main character will attack his minister.
(d) The the main character will have his children go against his wife.

5. After some bantering between Mother and Father, what occurs?
(a) Father talks to Mother right away.
(b) Father goes into the house and eats some pie.
(c) Father walks away.
(d) Mother demands that Father come talk to her.

6. What does the introduction imply about the ultimate conclusion to "The Revolt of 'Mother'"?
(a) The protagonist is not able to convince her husband of her point of view.
(b) The protagonist gets her husband to appreciate her point of view.
(c) The protagonist ensures that his wife never defies socially acceptable behaviors again.
(d) The protagonist teaches his children a lesson.

7. After speaking outside with Father about the men digging, to where does Mother look?
(a) At the site of the barn and realizes Father is correct.
(b) From the spot of the new barn to her existing house.
(c) From the old barn to the new barn and wonders why they need a new barn.
(d) To her friend's house, which is much larger than her house.

8. From the introduction, what does the reader know about how the secondary characters are going to be affected?
(a) They are going to feel beaten down by the main character's defiance.
(b) They are going win the battle.
(c) They are going to be affected by the main character's defiance.
(d) They think the main character has lost her mind.

9. After Mother asks Sammy the question, what does she do to Sammy?
(a) Hugs him.
(b) Scolds him.
(c) Throws him out of the house.
(d) Makes him stand in the corner until his father arrives home.

10. Which of the following best describes Nanny's logic behind her confusion regarding the digging?
(a) A ditch is not nececssary because there is a river down the road.
(b) Another house is unnecessary when the one in which they live is in such good condition.
(c) A family cemetery is not needed when everyone is healthy and young.
(d) Another barn in unnecessary when their house is in such poor condition.

11. What does Nanny's confusion regarding the reason to why men are digging in the field center upon?
(a) A new house.
(b) Another barn.
(c) A ditch.
(d) A cemetery.

12. During what time in history is "The Revolt of 'Mother'" set?
(a) Ancient times.
(b) Modern times.
(c) The mid-1800s.
(d) The mid-1700s.

13. As the story begins, when does Mother say she will return to the house?
(a) When Father tells her why the minister is there.
(b) When Sammy arrives home.
(c) When Father tells her why the men are digging.
(d) When Father tells her to return to the house.

14. When Nanny returns to the house, what does she tell her mother?
(a) She has decided not to get married.
(b) She is ashamed to get married in their house.
(c) She is glad Father is building a new house for them.
(d) She can't wait to get married in her fiance's house.

15. Why is "The Revolt of 'Mother'" typical of this author's writing?
(a) The story provides a look at a woman and her interactions with husband and children.
(b) The story provides a look at a child and his interactions with his mother.
(c) The story provides a look at a husband and his interactions with friends.
(d) The story provides a look at a woman and her interactions with friends.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Father respond to Mother's two questions following the bantering scene?

2. What answer does Mother give to Nanny's question about what the men are digging for?

3. Mother's attitude changes after Sammy provides her with information. What is the best description of this changed attitude?

4. What reason does Mother give Father for needing improvements on the farm?

5. When Nanny hears Mother's answer for why the men are digging, what is her reaction?

(see the answer keys)

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