The Revolt of 'Mother' Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Revolt of 'Mother' Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the best description of the story with regard to the author's writing work?
(a) It is the story that the author loved to write.
(b) It is the author's best known work.
(c) It the story that the author hated to write.
(d) It is the author's least known work.

2. When Nanny sees Mother after she has spoken with Father about the digging, what does Nanny ask about?
(a) Where her father went.
(b) When she can get married.
(c) What the men are digging for.
(d) When her brother can get married.

3. What is Sammy Penn doing when Mother goes back into the house?
(a) Reading a book.
(b) Eating supper.
(c) Combing his hair.
(d) Making dinner.

4. What has Nanny Penn been doing during her parents' discussion about men digging in the field?
(a) Watching her brother work.
(b) Watching the men dig in the field.
(c) Spying on her parents' discussion.
(d) Working on her needlepoint.

5. From the introduction, what does the reader know about the main character?
(a) The main character will become engrossed in her relationships with her family.
(b) The the main character will have his children go against his wife.
(c) The main character will attack her husband.
(d) The main character will attack his minister.

6. What is the promise that Mother reminds Father he made to her?
(a) To have more children.
(b) To build her a second barn.
(c) To build a house before their first year of marriage was over.
(d) To build a house sometime during the first ten years of their marriage.

7. What, specifically, does Mother do all day in Section 2?
(a) Buys things that she needs for her new house.
(b) Sleeps all day and all night.
(c) Works cattle.
(d) Cleans house and bakes pies.

8. What is Mother's reaction to why the men are digging?
(a) She is very happy.
(b) She does not care one way or the other.
(c) She is very angry.
(d) She is very sad.

9. How many years ago did Father make a promise to Mother?
(a) 4.
(b) 40.
(c) 5.
(d) 10.

10. Who is the main female character?
(a) Nanny's future mother-in-law.
(b) The minister's wife.
(c) Mother.
(d) Nanny.

11. After Mother asks Sammy the question, what does she do to Sammy?
(a) Scolds him.
(b) Makes him stand in the corner until his father arrives home.
(c) Hugs him.
(d) Throws him out of the house.

12. What reason does Mother give Father for needing improvements on the farm?
(a) They need a new home so they can have more children.
(b) They need a new barn so they can have more animals and make more money.
(c) Nanny needs a new home in which to get married.
(d) Sammy needs a new home in which to get married.

13. Finally, what answer does Father give Mother about why the men are digging in the field?
(a) They are digging a ditch so that water can reach the crops.
(b) They are digging a cellar for the new house.
(c) They are digging a cellar for the new barn.
(d) They are digging a field for the new cows.

14. After Mother receives information from Sammy, what does she spend the day doing?
(a) Visiting a friend.
(b) Working.
(c) Sleeping.
(d) Going into town.

15. What is the best description of the current state of the barn that exists on the farm?
(a) Fine condition for the animals, but the house is in better condition than the barn.
(b) Fine condition for the animals and better condition than their house.
(c) Terrible condition, similar to the state of the house.
(d) Terrible condition, and animals are in danger of being hurt.

Short Answer Questions

1. As the story begins, when does Mother say she will return to the house?

2. How does Sammy finally respond to Mother's second question?

3. When Mother watches the men digging in the field, what does she ask Father?

4. What does Mother ask Sammy when she goes back into the house after learning the reason for the digging?

5. In Section 2, what happens when Father returns to the house?

(see the answer keys)

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