Reviving Ophelia Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Reviving Ophelia Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what way does Dr. Pipher conclude Danielle is using chemicals?
(a) Pressured way
(b) Unhappy way
(c) Experimental way
(d) Addicted way

2. What does Dr. Pipher list as the defining characteristic for American women?
(a) Personality
(b) Beauty
(c) Love
(d) Weight

3. What does Gail do to harm herself?
(a) She cuts herself on the breasts
(b) She attempts suicide
(c) She burns herself with cigarettes
(d) She takes pills

4. What does Dr. Pipher encourage her patients to do in regards to their feelings?
(a) Evaluate
(b) Explain
(c) Resign
(d) Objectify

5. How do girls who participate in sports often see their bodies?
(a) They see their bodies as different
(b) They see their bodies as functional
(c) They see their bodies as uncooperative
(d) They see their bodies as decorative

6. When do problems occur with sexual relationships in couples?
(a) When they are from different levels of education
(b) When they are not seeking long-term commitment
(c) When they are from different religons with different expectations
(d) When they have different ideas about the meaning

7. According to Dr. Pipher, isolation can often be what?
(a) Social issue
(b) Limitation
(c) Mental health issue
(d) Blessing

8. Which of the following terms does not describe Tracy?
(a) Independent
(b) Rebellious
(c) Angry
(d) Miserable

9. What are girls unprepared for that results from having sex too soon?
(a) They are unprepared for sexually transmitted diseases
(b) They are unprepared for pregnancy
(c) They are unprepared for emotional trauma
(d) They are unprepared for rape

10. Which of the following terms does Dr. Pipher use to describe pregnancy in the 1950s?
(a) Hidden
(b) Surprising
(c) Respected
(d) Embarrassing

11. What does Dr. Pipher describe as being a compounding factor with society when it comes to sexual activity?
(a) Society has peer pressure
(b) Society has unclear rules
(c) Society has abuse and assault
(d) Society has similar sexual messages

12. What percent of children with alcoholic parents will become alcoholics themselves?
(a) 30
(b) 40
(c) 20
(d) 50

13. What does Margaret tell Dr. Pipher she will never let rule her life again?
(a) Males
(b) Athletic skills
(c) Shame
(d) Fear

14. What type of therapy does Dr. Pipher teach girls?
(a) Responsible
(b) Defending
(c) Cultural
(d) Awakening

15. According to Dr. Pipher, what does the culture strive to do to young women?
(a) Debase them
(b) Define them
(c) Objectify them
(d) Control them

Short Answer Questions

1. Which type of girl does Dr. Pipher say usually lose her true self?

2. What does Dr. Pipher believe drives girls to self-mutilate?

3. What does Dr. Pipher believe Casey lacks?

4. What does Dr. Pipher encourage Penelope to do when she handles frustration in a positive way?

5. Even in dysfunctional families strong girls are able to do what?

(see the answer keys)

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