Return to Sender Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Return to Sender Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the date of the second letter Mari writes her uncle Felipe?
(a) December 31.
(b) December 29.
(c) December 28.
(d) December 30.

2. In 2006, when were there national elections in Mexico?
(a) July 5.
(b) July 3.
(c) July 1.
(d) July 2.

3. Where is the girl Felipe met at the university party going during her spring vacation?
(a) Hidalgo.
(b) Guerrero.
(c) Chiapas.
(d) Durango.

4. Before Felipe was arrested, how often did Connie take the three Marias to the Wal-Mart across the lake?
(a) Every 7 or 8 days.
(b) Every other week.
(c) Every 10 or 12 days.
(d) Once a week.

5. When will Mari and Tyler's spring vacation begin?
(a) 1st week in April.
(b) 3rd week in April.
(c) 4th week in April.
(d) 2nd week in April.

6. What type of punctuation mark does Mr. Bicknell share with his students?
(a) Interrobang.
(b) Asterism.
(c) Acclamation point.
(d) Percontation point.

7. What is the view out the window of the office where Mari talks to an ICE official?
(a) Industrial buildings.
(b) Office buildings.
(c) A field with horses.
(d) A field with cows.

8. What is the name of the man who wanted to ban Grandma's church group from selling refreshments at the town meeting?
(a) Mr. Albini.
(b) Mr. Rosetti.
(c) Mr. Farese.
(d) Mr. Castiglioni.

9. After Mr. Cruz tells the coyotes he does not have the money they want, by how much do they lower the amount they want?
(a) 1/4.
(b) 1/3.
(c) 2/3.
(d) 1/2.

10. When will Tyler turn 12?
(a) March 2.
(b) March 6.
(c) March 1.
(d) March 8.

11. By December 24, how long has it been since Felipe was stopped by the police?
(a) 5 weeks.
(b) 4 weeks.
(c) 3 weeks.
(d) 2 weeks.

12. In "Interrobang Farm," what is Sara's boyfriend's name?
(a) Jon.
(b) Hawkeye.
(c) Hal.
(d) Will.

13. Who goes with Mari to speak with ICE?
(a) Ms. Ramirez, Barry, Mr. Calhoun, and Tyler.
(b) Ms. Ramirez, Mr. Calhoun, and her sisters.
(c) Ms. Ramirez, Barry, and Mr. Calhoun.
(d) Ms. Ramirez, Barry, Mr. Calhoun, and Grandma.

14. How long of a break will Tyler get for the Christmas holiday?
(a) 2 weeks.
(b) 15 days.
(c) 20 days.
(d) 3 weeks.

15. When is the first time that Mari writes in the diary she gets for her birthday?
(a) May 31, 2006.
(b) June 7, 2006.
(c) May 19, 2006.
(d) June 4, 2006.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much money does Mr. Cruz give Tyler to buy presents for his daughters?

2. What name does Mari think the Paquettes should name their farm?

3. When can Mari's family attempt to immigrate legally to America?

4. How many Italians were in Vermont in 1850?

5. How does Mari's mother try to escape when Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) comes to the farm?

(see the answer keys)

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