Restoration Test | Final Test - Medium

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Restoration Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What news comes to Merivel and the King while they are talking?
(a) London Bridge has fallen.
(b) An outbreak of the plague has occurred.
(c) The river has flooded.
(d) A fire is raging through London.

2. What date does the dance finally occur?
(a) August 30.
(b) July 30.
(c) June 30.
(d) September 30.

3. What has happened to Katherine?
(a) She has tried to kill herself a second time.
(b) She is hallucinating.
(c) She is pregnant.
(d) She is ill with the plague.

4. Where do the others tell Edmund he can find God?
(a) In his work.
(b) In church.
(c) In the Scriptures.
(d) In himself.

5. Why do the plague flagellants hit themselves?
(a) They think it will stop them from becoming sick.
(b) They want to take the plague on themselves to cure others.
(c) The think it will cure the plague on the city by their sacrifice.
(d) They want to feel their pain, not the pain of the city.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Merivel celebrate his birthday when Katherine is pregnant?

2. What did the King think of the portrait Finn painted?

3. Where does Merivel find a formula for a supposed cure for the plague?

4. What did the woman from Harvey die of?

5. What does Pearce lose, that Merivel helps him find?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Merivel able to do at the funeral that he could not do while Pearce was alive?

2. Who makes up the staff of Whittlesea Hospital?

3. How does the King feel about Merivel, after time has passed?

4. How does Merivel feel about Pearce?

5. Describe the signs that end up hanging outside Frances Elizabeth's house.

6. What does the King advise Merivel to do with his life?

7. How does Merivel treat Katherine on their journey?

8. What act of bravery does Merivel commit?

9. What does Merivel discover when he examines Pearce?

10. What prompts Katherine to try to hang herself?

(see the answer keys)

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