Rendezvous with Rama Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rendezvous with Rama Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Norton compares New York to what on Earth?
(a) A steel plant.
(b) The Empire State Building.
(c) A giant chemical processing plant.
(d) A storage depot.

2. What is strange about the large crab-like creature that JImmy sees after he crashes?
(a) The creature is brightly colored.
(b) The creature looks like it could be a hallucination.
(c) The creature does not notice him.
(d) The creature moves very quickly.

3. What does Jimmy do while circling New York?
(a) Record video.
(b) Look for signs of life.
(c) Rest.
(d) Try to understand the complexity of the panorama.

4. What protects the explorers from falling off of the ladder when the lights go on?
(a) Sticky boots.
(b) Zero gravity.
(c) Individual belt clips.
(d) Space suits.

5. Why were there many photographs taken of New York?
(a) To use to construct an accurate scale model of the city.
(b) To make a jigsaw puzzle.
(c) To look at the images for missed patterns.
(d) To prove the team visited New York.

6. What is constructed from six empty storage drums held together by a light metal framework?
(a) A raft.
(b) A pontoon boat.
(c) The Resolution.
(d) The Cook.

7. What location on Rama is known not to be infested with spider-like creatures?
(a) Northern Hemisphere.
(b) Moscow.
(c) Southern Hemisphere.
(d) New York.

8. What is the nickname of the big spike that Jimmy explores?
(a) Big Horn.
(b) The Spikemonster.
(c) Little Big Horn.
(d) Spikey.

9. Dr. Ernst cautioned Jimmy Pak to avoid something while on the trip with Dragonfly. What?
(a) Avoid getting a sunburn.
(b) Avoid overexertion.
(c) Avoid crashing.
(d) Avoid getting hungry.

10. Who is in charge of the Endeavour while Norton receives the Triple-A message?
(a) Jimmy Pak.
(b) Bill Norton.
(c) Laura Ernst.
(d) Ruby Barnes.

11. According to the Ambassador from Mercury, what did everyone fail to consider about Rama?
(a) That there is oxygen on Rama.
(b) That Rama can be mined for raw materials.
(c) The possibility of nonbiological survival on Rama.
(d) That Rama is really a comet.

12. According to Chapter 37, Mercury sends a missile to Rama, which stops fifty kilometers from Rama to do what?
(a) Survey Rama usingTV cameras.
(b) Send a non-verbal message to Commander Norton.
(c) Set up a sateffite dish in a parallel orbit to Rama.
(d) Radiate a standard beacon frequency.

13. Why does Hub Control monitor Jimmy's altitude?
(a) To help Jimmy stay near the zero gravity of the axis.
(b) To help Jimmy stay above the storm clouds.
(c) To help Jimmy stay visible to Hub Control.
(d) To help Jimmy avoid lightening.

14. What happens as Jimmy backs away through the framework?
(a) The plant is retreating into the ground.
(b) The snake is crawling back into its hole.
(c) The opening in the framework is closing.
(d) The feathers melt like snow.

15. What is the "striking parallel" between Rama and terrestrial zoology, according to the Ambassador from Mars?
(a) A termite colony.
(b) A desert.
(c) A beehive.
(d) A coral reef.

Short Answer Questions

1. What word can be used to describe the spider-like creature that the explorers encounter while watching the evening news?

2. In Chapter 17, what makes the sound that wakes the whole camp?

3. What danger plays from the tip of Big Horn?

4. How long does it take the disturbance in Chapter 17 to subside?

5. What creatures start disassembling the broken monster in the Cylindrical Sea?

(see the answer keys)

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