Remembrance of Things Past Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Remembrance of Things Past Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Swann tends to court what type of lady?
(a) Ones from lower social statuses.
(b) Ones from higher social statuses.
(c) Ones who participate in the arts.
(d) He doesn't have a specific type.

2. In "Swann In Love," why can't Swann leave Paris?
(a) He has a funeral to attend.
(b) He doesn't have the money.
(c) Odette is there.
(d) He missed the last boat.

3. What does Uncle Adolphe suggest Swann do to get Odette to love him more?
(a) Do whatever she says.
(b) Become friends with her father.
(c) Buy her presents.
(d) Stay away from her.

4. After Gilberte leaves, who does the narrator focus his attention on at the park in "Place-Names"?
(a) A family of squirrels.
(b) An older lady.
(c) A boy his age.
(d) A girl with blonde curls.

5. What happened at Combray to make the narrator appreciate art?
(a) His mother started collecting art.
(b) A kitchen-maid got pregnant.
(c) A cat took care of another cat.
(d) Francoise got into a fight with another maid.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Swann leave behind the first time he visits Odette's house?

2. Overall, what conclusion does the narrator draw about Gilberte's feelings for him in "Place-Names"?

3. What does Swann wait for when Odette is in Paris in "Swann In Love"?

4. What is Mme. de Saint-Loup's house?

5. Who does the narrator's mother say she does not want to know in the Swann family?

Short Essay Questions

1. What ends Swann's relationship with the Verdurins?

2. In "Place-Names," what does the narrator say has changed about his faith since his childhood?

3. In "Combray," why does the narrator read a lot?

4. What happens when Swann spends time away from Odette in "Swann In Love"?

5. In "Overture," how does the narrator describe his sleep?

6. How does the narrator feel about Bergotte?

7. Why is the narrator not allowed to return to Champs-Elysees?

8. What happens when the narrator's family decides to walk through Swann's Gardens after having not walked that way since M. Swann's marriage?

9. What does Gilberte do in "Place-Names" that makes the narrator think she is indifferent towards him?

10. In "Place-Names," what does the narrator do every day after Gilberte leaves?

(see the answer keys)

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