Remembering Babylon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Remembering Babylon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mr. Frazer want to do as a result of his botany work?
(a) Become a professional botanist
(b) Return to England
(c) Preserve the native ecology
(d) Move into the woods with the aborigines

2. What does Lachlan promise Gemmy after his visit to Mrs. Hutchence's?
(a) Lachlan promises he will never let Gemmy be hurt again.
(b) Lachlan promises to restore his friendship with Gemmy.
(c) Lachlan promises he will defend Gemmy in the future.
(d) Lachlan promises he will return to visit Gemmy again.

3. How does Jock feel about the strange occurrences around his farm?
(a) He feels angry and violent.
(b) He feels hurt and betrayed.
(c) He feels confused.
(d) He feels vindicated.

4. Who rescues Gemmy from the mob?
(a) Mr. Frazer
(b) The natives
(c) Lachlan
(d) Jock

5. What does Mr. Frazer begin writing about in this chapter?
(a) The attack on Gemmy
(b) Botany
(c) The use of native plants rather than importing items from Europe
(d) Gemmy's history

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the McIvors helps Mrs. Hutchence with her hobby?

2. Who does Mr. Frazer go to Brisbane to meet with?

3. What does Lachlan find at the site where the "dispersal" supposedly took place?

4. What do the settlers put on the McIvors' fence?

5. Why is Jock relieved when the mob disperses?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe how Gemmy's strength is restored during his visit with the natives.

2. What is Sir George's vision for Queensland?

3. Describe the two events that happen in this chapter which unnerve Jock.

4. How does George Abbot trick Gemmy in this chapter? Why does he do this?

5. How does Lachlan's relationship with Gemmy change over time?

6. Describe the mob's attack on Gemmy.

7. How does Mr. Frazer react when Jim Sweetman refuses the native fruit? How does this contrast with his views on native plants at the end of the chapter?

8. How do Lachlan's relationships with the other settler children change over time? What causes this change?

9. What does Jock do in response to the attack on Gemmy?

10. Describe what happens to Janet in this chapter when she removes her bonnet and veil while beekeeping.

(see the answer keys)

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