Remembering Babylon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Remembering Babylon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Lachlan feel when he visits Gemmy at Mrs. Hutchence's house?
(a) Isolated
(b) Happy
(c) Relieved
(d) Confused

2. How does Gemmy react to the attack on the geese?
(a) He becomes violent.
(b) He becomes enraged.
(c) He becomes withdrawn.
(d) He becomes more vocal.

3. How does Jock feel about the strange occurrences around his farm?
(a) He feels hurt and betrayed.
(b) He feels confused.
(c) He feels vindicated.
(d) He feels angry and violent.

4. What does Gemmy do with the hunting ferrets one night when Willett passes out drunk?
(a) He sets them on fire.
(b) He feeds them treats.
(c) He releases them from their cages.
(d) He kills them.

5. What does Mr. Frazer begin writing about in this chapter?
(a) Botany
(b) The use of native plants rather than importing items from Europe
(c) Gemmy's history
(d) The attack on Gemmy

6. What is Mrs. Hutchence's hobby?
(a) Gardening
(b) Beekeeping
(c) Baking
(d) Birdwatching

7. How does Jock feel about having to confront the person who damaged his fence?
(a) Terrified
(b) Angry
(c) Confused
(d) Ambivalent

8. Why does Lachlan not find out about the attack on Gemmy until the next day?
(a) The McIvors want to protect him.
(b) His classmates are afraid to tell him about the incident.
(c) He slept through the incident.
(d) He was out with friends when it happened.

9. What is the only name that George Abbot recognizes in Gemmy's description of what he wants from the teacher?
(a) Leona
(b) Willett
(c) Lachlan
(d) Jock

10. Who is George Abbot thinking of when Gemmy arrives at the schoolhouse?
(a) Leona
(b) Gemmy
(c) His godfather
(d) Mr. Frazer

11. What does Mr. Frazer want to do as a result of his botany work?
(a) Preserve the native ecology
(b) Become a professional botanist
(c) Move into the woods with the aborigines
(d) Return to England

12. What was Willett's profession?
(a) He ran an orphanage.
(b) He was a landlord.
(c) He was a dog catcher.
(d) He was a rat catcher.

13. What impresses Gemmy about Mr. Frazer?
(a) His kindness towards Gemmy
(b) His relationship with the settlers
(c) His drawing skills
(d) His commitment to the land

14. What strikes Janet most about Mrs. Hutchence's demeanor when working with the bees?
(a) Her enthusiasm
(b) Her bravery
(c) Her skill
(d) Her excitement

15. Who does Gemmy start dreaming about in this chapter?
(a) Willett
(b) Lachlan
(c) Mosey and the Irish
(d) The natives

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Mr. Frazer go to Brisbane to meet with?

2. Who does Mr. Frazer attempt to tell Sir George about?

3. What does Gemmy do with "his papers"?

4. How does Gemmy feel after receiving the gift from the aborigines?

5. Where does Janet live in this chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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