Remembering Babylon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Remembering Babylon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Gemmy get food once in Queensland?
(a) He steals it from the natives.
(b) He helps the natives hunt.
(c) He hunts for himself.
(d) He steals it from the settlers.

2. Where did Lachlan live before moving to Australia?
(a) England
(b) The United States
(c) Scotland
(d) Ireland

3. What does Lachlan do that makes Janet feel insulted?
(a) He criticizes her appearance.
(b) He constantly talks about Scotland.
(c) He is unkind to her mother.
(d) He constantly talks about Australia.

4. What does Mrs. Hutchence often hire the settlers to do in her home?
(a) Move furniture
(b) Decorate her home
(c) Cook food
(d) Clean her home

5. What does Gemmy eat that reminds him of his childhood in England?
(a) Pudding
(b) Bread
(c) Corn meal
(d) Fish

6. Why does George Abbot ignore Lachlan in class?
(a) He dislikes the McIvor family.
(b) He does not like to be challenged.
(c) He finds Lachlan annoying.
(d) He does not care about motivating students.

7. Who do the settlers worry is visiting secretly Gemmy?
(a) The children
(b) The natives
(c) Mr. Frazer
(d) Lachlan

8. What aspect of Gemmy's personality allows him to avoid the settlers' questions?
(a) His naivete
(b) His lighthearted nature
(c) His lack of language
(d) His ignorant demeanor

9. What does Ellen think has made Jock's youth dwindle?
(a) His homesickness for Scotland
(b) The deaths of their children
(c) His homesickness for England
(d) The pressure of having Gemmy on the farm

10. What does Gemmy represent for the settlers?
(a) The effects of poverty.
(b) The fate of their children.
(c) The unknown danger of the natives.
(d) The fate they could face one day.

11. How does Jock feel about the threats that the settlers make towards Gemmy?
(a) Angry
(b) Scared
(c) Ambivalent
(d) Confused

12. Why does Ellen become kinder to Gemmy in this chapter?
(a) She believes his presence has brought her and Jock closer together.
(b) She believes he has suffered enough.
(c) She wants to protect him from the settlers.
(d) She realizes that he is mentally challenged.

13. Who does Lachlan plan to travel the world with?
(a) Gemmy
(b) Jock
(c) George Abbot
(d) Janet

14. Why does Janet become irritated with Lachlan?
(a) He criticizes Gemmy's appearance.
(b) He takes credit for finding Gemmy.
(c) He does not let her tell Gemmy's story.
(d) He is aggressive towards Gemmy.

15. What does Jock think of Andy's version of the event (Gemmy's visit with the aborigines)?
(a) He believes it is believable.
(b) He believes it is entirely accurate.
(c) He believes it is entirely untruthful.
(d) He believes it is exaggerated.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to Jock and Ellen's marriage as a result of their conflict with their fellow settlers?

2. What does George Abbot do to convince everyone he is older than he is?

3. What prevents Gemmy from helping Jock around the farm?

4. What do Jock and Ellen begin talking about for the first time in many years?

5. What do the children think the figure is when they first see it?

(see the answer keys)

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