Remainder Test | Final Test - Easy

Tom McCarthy
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Remainder Test | Final Test - Easy

Tom McCarthy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the narrator get a copy of the report from the homicide on ColdHarbour Lane?
(a) He steals it.
(b) Naz bribes a police employee.
(c) His girlfriend gets it for him.
(d) He finds it on the ground.

2. What does the narrator want to happen with the old woman cooking the liver in Part III?
(a) He buys her dinner.
(b) He interacts with her as she is taking her rubbish out.
(c) She asks him how his day was.
(d) He finds her lost cat for her.

3. When does the narrator realize he has actually felt the most authentic since his accident?
(a) Panhandling in Victoria Station.
(b) During his apartment reenactment.
(c) When he was at the movies.
(d) When he was with Catherine.

4. How does the narrator move during his time in the Coldharbour Lane reenactment?
(a) On foot.
(b) In a car.
(c) On a bike.
(d) On a scooter.

5. About how many hours per day does the narrator prefer to have his building in "on" mode?
(a) 18 to 20.
(b) 6 to 8.
(c) 20 to 22.
(d) 12 to 14.

6. What is the second reenactment project the narrator wants Naz to manage for him?
(a) His trip to Disneyworld.
(b) His trip to the car repair shop.
(c) His trip to the musuem.
(d) His trip to the airport.

7. What schedule does the narrator ask for his reenactors in his second reenactment to be on?
(a) A 24-hour schedule.
(b) A 12-hour schedule.
(c) A 2-hour schedule.
(d) A 10-hour schedule.

8. Why does Annie tell the narrator that the natural element in his apartment reenactment is different?
(a) Plants die.
(b) The bugs are migrating.
(c) It is a different season.
(d) People change their patterns.

9. What does the woman cooking the liver say to the narrator during their interaction?
(a) Nice day, isn't it?
(b) What is wrong with the weather nowadays?
(c) You can not find good people these days.
(d) Harder and harder to lift up.

10. When is the day of the first reenactment in the apartment building?
(a) January 8.
(b) May 7.
(c) July 11.
(d) August 14.

11. Who seems to understand the narrator's intentions better than most others in Chapter 13?
(a) James.
(b) The old woman.
(c) Greg.
(d) The borough councillor.

12. Who does the narrator threaten to kick out of his building in Part IV?
(a) Catherine.
(b) Greg.
(c) A doctor.
(d) Naz.

13. What does the doctor tell Naz needs to stop for the narrator's health to improve?
(a) Cooking the liver.
(b) The piano player's songs.
(c) The running regimen.
(d) The reenactments.

14. What is wrong with the first type of glass in the apartment building for the narrator's tastes?
(a) It is too thick.
(b) It is too colorful.
(c) It is too new.
(d) It is too thin.

15. What does the narrator think of Naz as in the end of Chapter 13?
(a) A friend.
(b) A zealot.
(c) A traitor.
(d) A medical professional.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who makes models of buildings for the narrator?

2. How does the narrator describe his opinion of forensic procedure?

3. What does the narrator begin to wonder about the Coldharbour Lane homicide victim?

4. What song does the plasterer play on a loop?

5. How does the narrator feel watching the person fixing his car?

(see the answer keys)

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