Remainder Short Answer Test - Answer Key

Tom McCarthy
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Remainder Short Answer Test - Answer Key

Tom McCarthy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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1. What can the narrator only say very little about in Chapter 1?

The accident.

2. How much money does the narrator get in his settlement?

8.5 million pounds.

3. Who is the narrator's lawyer?

Marc Daubenay.

4. What is one major stipulation of the narrator's settlement?

He cannot speak about the accident.

5. What does the narrator do when he hears about the settlement?

Pulls his phone out of the wall.

6. What happens to the narrator's car that he has yet to get fixed in Chapter 1?

Dented bumper.

7. What kind of car does the narrator drive?


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