Regeneration Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Regeneration Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who plays golf together?
(a) Rivers and Prior.
(b) Sassoon and Owen.
(c) Anderson and Sassoon.
(d) Anderson and Prior.

2. What does Burns see where he is?
(a) An angel standing in front of the altar.
(b) Dead animals hanging from a large tree.
(c) His best friend being shot.
(d) Vampires rising out of the graves.

3. Why does Rivers reassign Broadbent?
(a) Because Craiglockhart is full.
(b) So Rivers does not have to deal with the man.
(c) Because Broadbent is so deranged.
(d) Because Broadbent's family has a great deal of influence.

4. Why doesn't Dr. Rivers think Prior should smoke?
(a) The doctor is afraid for Prior to have matches in his state of mind.
(b) It sets a bad example for the enlisted men.
(c) It smells bad.
(d) Prior has asthma.

5. Who is Second-lieutenant Prior?
(a) An officer who is charged with dereliction of duty.
(b) The new commanding officer of Company D.
(c) A character introduced in Chapter 5.
(d) The dead brother of one of Craiglockhart's patients.

Short Answer Questions

1. What confuses Sarah Lumb?

2. What does Sassoon do occasionally when answering Rivers' questions?

3. What does the letter Dr. Rivers is reading say?

4. Why did Sassoon want a court-martial?

5. What was Anderson's former occupation?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Anderson and why is he at the hospital?

2. What does Rivers think about Anderson's vision of Rivers in one of Anderson's dreams?

3. What is causing Dr. Rivers pain in his head while he is sleeping?

4. What does Sassoon do after his swim with Graves?

5. Who is suppose to go on the train with Sassoon and why doesn't he?

6. What do Sassoon and Graves talk about when they go swimming in Chapter 4 and what does Sassoon say he remembers about the subject?

7. What happened to Sassoon's Declaration and how does Sassoon feel about that and what does he and Rivers discuss in Chapter 7 besides this?

8. What does Sassoon describe to Dr. Rivers about what happened when he first returned from France and what does he say about it now?

9. What does the writer say in the letter and what consequences has he suffered as the result of the letter?

10. In Chapter 6 why does Rivers see Prior after dinner and what does Prior tell him what is Rivers' response?

(see the answer keys)

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