Regarding the Pain of Others Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

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Regarding the Pain of Others Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 7.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following images was often thought to represent a mother, looking tellingly into the sky during an air raid of the Spanish Civil War?
(a) "Land Distribution Meeting, Extremadura, Spain, 1936"
(b) "War Against War!"
(c) "Guernica."
(d) "Mother and Child, Barcelona, Spain, 1936"

2. Sontag discusses a famous series of photographs taken by Tyler Hicks, titled "A Nation Challenged." What does this series depict?
(a) Hugo Chavez.
(b) Osama Bin Laden.
(c) A wounded Taliban soldier.
(d) The destruction of the Twin Towers.

3. Which of the following pairs of images appeared side-by-side in a 1937 issue of "Life"?
(a) A mother holding her child while looking at the sky and Vitalis men's hair cream.
(b) A dying Republican soldier and Vitalis men's hair cream.
(c) A dying Republican soldier and a mother holding her child while looking at the sky.
(d) The bombing of Guernica and Vitalis men's hair cream.

4. The protagonist of J'Accuse, the 1938 anti-war film, cries out which of the following in German and in English?
(a) "War is ugly!"
(b) "The horror!"
(c) "Your sacrifices were in vain!"
(d) "The face of war!"

5. According to Sontag, "to photograph is to frame, and to frame is to _______".
(a) Include.
(b) Exclude.
(c) Alter.
(d) Highlight.

Short Answer Questions

1. Photographic representations of the Vietnam War was essential to promoting:

2. Sontag discusses one year in European history in which the photograph was able to truly capture the nature of human atrocities. Which year was it?

3. The first war photographer, whose work garnered him the position as "official photographer" of the Crimean War, was which of the following?

4. Recalling traditions of the 16th and 17th century, Sontag claims that printing images of dark-skinned people in moments of suffering or pain is part of a long tradition of which of the following?

5. Which of the following works does Sontag site as containing the first recognition of the human fascination with mutilated bodies?

(see the answer key)

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