Refugee (Alan Gratz) Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Gratz, Alan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Refugee (Alan Gratz) Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Gratz, Alan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what year does the telling of Josef's narrative begin?
(a) 1929.
(b) 1962.
(c) 1946.
(d) 1938.

2. When Shabbos arrives, the bulletin board on Josef's ship announces that the social hall will be converted into a what?
(a) A synagogue.
(b) A reception hall.
(c) A medical clinic.
(d) A dance floor.

3. Whose face is featured prominently on the floor of Isabel's boat?
(a) Pablo Escobar.
(b) Che Guevara.
(c) Joseph Stalin.
(d) Fidel Castro.

4. When Señor Castillo asks Isabel's father what he wants to do when he gets to America, what is Isabel's father's reply?
(a) He says he wants to be free.
(b) He says he wants to help other refugees.
(c) He says he wants to start over.
(d) He says he wants to make a million dollars.

5. When Isabel pleads with Lito not to turn back for Cuba, what reason does she cite above all others?
(a) That her father will be arrested.
(b) That Ivan will be arrested.
(c) That they will all be arrested.
(d) That her grandfather will be arrested.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what reason has Josef's family recently moved to a smaller apartment in Berlin upon the opening of the novel?

2. The third major character focused upon within the novel's narrative is Mahmoud, a boy living in Syria. What year is it when the reader first joins Mahmoud?

3. Even though Fidel Castro announces to the Cuban people that they are now free to leave Cuba whenever they want, why is Isabel's mother still especially wary about the trip?

4. Prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union, most farms in Cuba had been what type of farms?

5. How does Isabel's father sustain the wounds that she is cleaning when the narrative rejoins her?

Short Essay Questions

1. What revelation does Lito make to Isabel about Miami, Florida, at one moment in the journey?

2. What U.S. policies change and make it harder for Cuban people to seek refuge in the United States?

3. Compare and contrast Josef's thoughts about the ship's full speed with Captain Schroeder's comments about the ship's full speed.

4. What qualities of Senor Castillo's lead to his role as the leader on the boat?

5. How does Josef view the difference between life on the ship above decks and life on the ship below decks?

6. When Isabel and Ivan are incredulous that Lito had had many chances to leave Cuba over the years and had not done so, what reasons does Lito give for not leaving?

7. What is the clave?

8. How is Isabel's kitten used by the author to send a message about hunger and fear?

9. List some of Isabel's and the other boat passengers' expectations of what life will be like in America.

10. Why does Mahmoud's family choose Germany as a place to run to when they leave Syria?

(see the answer keys)

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