Rees Howells: Intercessor Test | Final Test - Medium

Norman Grubb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rees Howells: Intercessor Test | Final Test - Medium

Norman Grubb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the last year of Rees' life?
(a) 1948.
(b) 1949.
(c) 1950.
(d) 1947.

2. What was going on in Britain that so few children arrived to live at the fourth estate?
(a) Elections.
(b) Famine.
(c) Changing leadership.
(d) War.

3. What was the name of the third estate acquired for the bible college?
(a) Sketty Isaf.
(b) Pentwyn.
(c) Derwen Fawr.
(d) Glyderwen.

4. On which anniversary of the college was a second estate site opened?
(a) 3rd.
(b) 2nd.
(c) 4th.
(d) 6th.

5. What was the third estate for the bible college located next to?
(a) Pentwyn.
(b) Glyderwen.
(c) Derwen Fawr.
(d) Sketty Isaf.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "The Battle in Britain", people who felt the intercessors said they felt divine what?

2. In "Buying the First Estate in Wales", Rees and his wife went to his favorite childhood play spot and current prayer spot to pray and dedicate their lives to the bible college. Where was this spot?

3. In "Visitation of the Holy Spirit", those who experienced the visitation of the Spirit of God also became more ___ in their faith.

4. In "Russia, North Africa, Italy, D-Day", intercessors battled for safety of the ____ lands as they were called by Rees.

5. In "Buying the First Estate in Wales", the first estate for the Bible College opened in what year?

Short Essay Questions

1. Countries were falling to Hitler, so where did Rees and the college fall in this picture?

2. What happened after six years of prayer on behalf of Russia, North Africa, and Italy that indicated a bigger picture for the purpose of the intercessions?

3. What did the man that got out of the ticket line do?

4. In The Book of Common Prayer, Rees' contact with people changed. Discuss this change.

5. How did the "failed" Ethiopian intercession against Mussolini plant seeds, benefiting Ethiopia?

6. Why did God ask Rees what he would be doing if he had all the money for the trip to Africa, and what did Rees do in response?

7. How were Rees and the college involved in the Ethiopian Crisis as intercessors?

8. After the war in Britain, how did war events and stories from military staff embody the spiritual fight, manifesting into their encounters on the battle field?

9. Britain was at war, and the intercessors engaged their own battle against Britain's enemy. Who was involved in this fight?

10. What was different about the college's Pentecost and Rees' earlier Pentecost experience?

(see the answer keys)

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