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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why does Gitano eventually make Jody leave his lodgings for the night?
2. How does the pony respond to Jody when he reaches for it for the first time?
3. How is Jody's character first described?
4. What kind of animal does Jody kill for the first time when Chapter 2 opens?
5. What is a common breakfast in the Tiflin household?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does Nellie break her rope when Jody is leading her to the neighbor's house?
2. How long does Jody have to go to get to school?
3. What has Billy told Carl about Jody's skill with horses?
4. What does Gitano tell Jody and his mother the first time he meets them?
5. What features of Gabilan is Jody most proud of?
6. Why does everyone on the ranch eat such a hearty breakfast?
7. Why is Jody pleased to smell brandy on his father's breath when he and Billy Buck return from purchasing the pony?
8. Why does Jody stop running right before he meets Grandfather along the road?
9. What familiar story does Grandfather start to tell around the fire on his first night with the Tiflins?
10. How does Grandfather respond to seeing Jody for the first time?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The roles and responsibilities of men are a theme of _The Red Pony_. Present an argument paper that argues that Billy Buck OR Carl is more of a father figure to Carl throughout the novel. Make sure to use at least three specific examples from the text to support your position.
Essay Topic 2
Write an argument paper discussing who is responsible for Gabilan's death. Make sure to use quotations from the text to support your position.
Essay Topic 3
Perhaps because of the nature of a cattle ranch, blood makes multiple appearances in _The Red Pony_. Discuss the use of blood in the novel. Is it positive? Negative? What does it represent? Does its symbolism change? How can a reader make sense of blood when it makes an appearance in the text?
This section contains 588 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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