The Red Pony Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Red Pony Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Grandfather accept Jody's offer for a drink when they are sitting on the porch discussing "westering"?
(a) Because Jody offers him his favorite drink.
(b) Because he is thirsty.
(c) Because he sees Jody's face and wants to be polite.
(d) All of these answers are correct.

2. What role did Grandfather play in the traveling group when he was crossing the plains?
(a) He was a hunter.
(b) He was a leader of sorts.
(c) He was a horseman.
(d) He was responsible for rationing water.

3. Why does Grandfather think Jody wants to listen to his stories so much?
(a) Because he is trying to be respectful.
(b) Because he is trying to get his dad mad again.
(c) Because he is still a boy.
(d) Because he is just patronizing him.

4. Who is Mule-tail Buck?
(a) Grandfather's best friend.
(b) The Tiflin's neighbor.
(c) Grandfather's traveling companion.
(d) Billy Buck's father.

5. What does Jody put in his lunchbox on his way home from school in Chapter 3?
(a) Strange pieces of metal he finds along the roadside.
(b) Beautiful rocks.
(c) Leaves.
(d) Lots of small animals.

6. What role does Mrs. Tiflin play in the horse's birth?
(a) She helps comfort Nellie.
(b) She helps comfort Jody.
(c) None; she is sleeping.
(d) She helps comfort the newborn calf.

7. When does Nellie finally begin to show signs of pregnancy?
(a) In April.
(b) In September.
(c) Unfortunately, she never does.
(d) On Christmas day.

8. Why does Grandfather hate the ocean?
(a) It stopped him from going farther west.
(b) He is ignorant and is afraid of so much water.
(c) He thinks there are evil spirits in it.
(d) His wife drowned in the ocean.

9. How is Jody picked up and put on a horse for safety?
(a) By his arm, which has been injured.
(b) By his overall straps.
(c) By his hair.
(d) By his shirt.

10. What does Billy Buck say about how Nellie is handling her pregnancy?
(a) The she only thinks she is pregnant but really isn't.
(b) That she is comforted by Jody only.
(c) That she has gone crazy.
(d) That she has "turned nice."

11. What does Grandfather overhear in the Tiflin kitchen the morning after he arrives?
(a) Billy saying that he has lost his respect for him.
(b) Carl complaining about his endless storytelling.
(c) Jody saying that he smells like an old man.
(d) Mrs. Tiflin talking about his failing memory.

12. Why is Mrs. Tiflin crying at the end of the novel?
(a) She wants Jody to stay a little boy forever.
(b) She is sad about her father's death.
(c) She isn't.
(d) She is tired of her life.

13. How much does Grandfather say Jody has grown when he first sees him?
(a) Nearly a foot!
(b) About one inch.
(c) Not very much at all.
(d) About six inches.

14. How does Billy free the colt once it is born?
(a) He uses a knife to cut it free.
(b) He tears the sac open with his teeth.
(c) He washes it off by himself.
(d) Nothing, because there is no real colt; the horse only thought it was pregnant.

15. When Jody wakes up crying in Chapter 3, what does his mother say to calm him down?
(a) To try to wake up and start over again.
(b) To eat a cookie as a treat and then go back to bed.
(c) To remember that dreams aren't real.
(d) To be quiet so he doesn't anger Carl.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Grandfather say has happened to his appetite for "westering"?

2. Why does Billy tell Jody to go outside when Nellie is supposedly in labor?

3. What is the one thing Jody remembers his grandfather talking about?

4. Who is Nellie?

5. What does Mule-tale Buck do for a living?

(see the answer keys)

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