Redhead by the Side of the Road Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Redhead by the Side of the Road Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Micah goes on a service call in Chapter 5, what does he discover?
(a) The customer’s router is broken beyond repair.
(b) The customer’s hard drive is broken beyond repair.
(c) The customer’s modem is broken beyond repair.
(d) The customer’s printer is broken beyond repair.

2. Which member of the family asks for Micah’s help purchasing a new computer in Chapter 4?
(a) Kipper.
(b) Kougar.
(c) Krueger.
(d) Kegger.

3. According to Micah on page 117, what did each new girlfriend mean for him?
(a) Another negative experience.
(b) Another predictable experience.
(c) Another tragic experience.
(d) Another unsettling experience.

4. What does Yolanda ask Micah regarding the carpenter in Chapter 6?
(a) If he is licensed.
(b) If he is ill.
(c) If he is a father.
(d) If he is married.

5. While driving home at the end of Chapter 4, what does Micah realize?
(a) That he did not handle the Luella situation well.
(b) That he did not handle the Yolanda situation well.
(c) That he did not handle the Brink situation well.
(d) That he did not handle the Cass situation well.

6. What is Micah unable to understand about Yolanda, as explained in Chapter 6?
(a) Why she continues to date after so many disasters.
(b) Why she continues to date after so many disappointments.
(c) Why she continues to date after so many dignitaries.
(d) Why she continues to date after so many divorces.

7. Why is Micah agitated upon entering his sister’s house at the start of Chapter 4?
(a) Because Cass is not with him.
(b) Because he does not like his family.
(c) Because he just ignored a service call.
(d) Because of the chaos and clutter.

8. According to Lorna in Chapter 5, it might have been best if she had done what?
(a) Never dated Micah at all.
(b) Attended a different college.
(c) Slept with Micah in college.
(d) Majored in another subject.

9. Upon arriving at Rosalie’s home in Chapter 6, Micah discovers Rosalie is very interested in what?
(a) Computers.
(b) Art.
(c) Micah.
(d) Fashion.

10. What relationship advice is Micah given on page 74?
(a) That he write Cass a letter.
(b) That he go to counseling.
(c) That he change his ways.
(d) That he beg for forgiveness.

11. According to Micah on page 90, what is the point of living?
(a) To do better.
(b) To create order.
(c) To make money.
(d) To be strong.

12. As the narrator explains in Chapter 5, Micah’s previous relationships ended when what was shattered?
(a) His loneliness.
(b) His illusions.
(c) His routine.
(d) His peace of mind.

13. At the start of Chapter 5, the narrator wonders if Micah would notice what event?
(a) The rapture.
(b) A severe tornado.
(c) The arrival of aliens.
(d) A global cataclysm.

14. Rosalie needs help doing what in Chapter 6?
(a) Unlocking a computer.
(b) Connecting to the internet.
(c) Installing a new operating system.
(d) Downloading a software update.

15. How does Micah react to the text he receives at the end of Chapter 6?
(a) He throws his phone.
(b) He begins to cry.
(c) He ignores it.
(d) He sends a brief reply.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Micah become painfully aware of at the end of Chapter 4?

2. How does Micah attempt to smooth things over with Cass during their meeting in Chapter 6?

3. In Chapter 6, Micah warns Rosalie that he would have to charge what, even if he could not assist her?

4. In Chapter 6, which customer needs Tech Hermit’s help?

5. Where did Joey and Lily meet?

(see the answer keys)

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