Redeployment Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Phil Klay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Redeployment Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Phil Klay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through “In Vietnam They Had Whores”.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who leads the 2nd Fire Team in "FRAGO"?
(a) Corporal Weissert.
(b) Corporal Sweet.
(c) Corporal Craig.
(d) Corporal Moore.

2. What does the narrator consider drinking to deal with his circumstances in "FRAGO"?
(a) Whiskey.
(b) Gasoline.
(c) Rum.
(d) Listerine.

3. How does the narrator of "Bodies" differentiate how women and men prefer hearing Iraq stories?
(a) Men like them conflicted and women like them simple.
(b) Men like them morbid and women like them vague.
(c) Men like them sad and women like them funny.
(d) Men like them funny and women like them sad.

4. According to the storyteller in "In Vietnam They Had Whores," what would happen in Vietnam if a prostitute from a white brothel was caught servicing a black man?
(a) She'd be forced to marry him.
(b) She'd be beaten or murdered.
(c) She'd be sent to North Korea.
(d) She'd be put in jail.

5. How does the narrator describe Rachel's views on war in "Bodies"?
(a) She was an anarchist.
(b) She supported the Iraq War.
(c) She was a pacifist.
(d) She was anti-nationalist.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who tells the narrator about his experiences in the Vietnam War in "In Vietnam They Had Whores"?

2. What term do the Marines use to refer to the enemy in Redeployment?

3. What does the narrator urge Dyer to get at the cafeteria in "FRAGO"?

4. What disease do the members of First Platoon contract in Iraq?

5. How old is the woman at the bar that Corporal G tries to set up with the narrator in "Bodies"?

(see the answer key)

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