Redeeming Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Francine Rivers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Redeeming Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Francine Rivers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who did Michael say that Angel fell in love with instead of him?

2. What did Angel think was the great original sin?

3. Who did Michael tell Angel used to call him names?

4. What did Michael call Angel that hurt her feelings?

5. When Angel returns to Pair-a-Dice, what happens to The Palace?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Angel wakes up in Michael's cabin, she asks him why he came back to Pair-a-Dice. What was his response and her reaction to it?

2. When Angel arrives in Pair-a-Dice in Chapter 15, what does she discover about the Palace and it's former employees?

3. In Chapter Twelve, Angel and Michael have an argument and he is pleased with her anger. Why?

4. In Chapter 17 Angel is unable to accept Michael's forgiveness, so how does she try to atone for her sins?

5. Chapter Eight finds Angel slowly recovering physically under the quiet care of Michael Hosea. How is she doing emotionally? Why?

6. In Chapter Twelve, Michael cannot explain to Angel what he wants from her emotionally, and what he wishes their physical relationship would be like. Since he can't tell her, what does he do to show her?

7. In Chapter 15, what is Michael's reaction to Angel's activities in Pair-a-Dice? What is Angel's response to this?

8. Readers find in Chapter Four that Michael has made numerous visits to Angel's room in attempt to make her his bride. She repeatedly refuses. How do Angel's coworkers feel about this? What is Angel's reaction?

9. In Chapter Eleven, Angel has a nightmare. What is it about, and how does Michael try to comfort her?

10. When the Altmans move into their own cabin, Michael thinks that Angel will be relieved that they are so close. Instead, what it Angel's reaction and why?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Throughout the book, Angel is known by many names, each reflecting a specific time in her life as well as her emotional and spiritual growth. Reflect on what each name means and what it reveals about Angel. Notice that by the end of the story, Angel has come full circle, once more being called by her childhood name Sarah. Make sure to discuss why Angel takes years to reveal this name to Michael.

Essay Topic 2

When Angel leaves Michael for the last time, she believes it is for the best. This is the first time she doesn't have a selfish motive for leaving; she does it because she thinks it is the best thing for Michael. Discuss the other times that Angel has left the Valley. Compare/contrast her motives and how Michael reacts to each incident.

Essay Topic 3

Compare the still, small voice that Angel hears to the voice that instills fear and reinforces her negative feelings of self-worth. Discuss the source of both voices and their goals concerning Angel's well-being. Give specific examples of what happens when she listens to each of them.

(see the answer keys)

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