Redeeming Love Test | Final Test - Easy

Francine Rivers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Redeeming Love Test | Final Test - Easy

Francine Rivers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long after Michael died was Angel laid to rest?
(a) Within a week.
(b) Within six months.
(c) Within a year.
(d) Within a month.

2. Why did Angel decide to leave Michael for the third time?
(a) She wanted to finally be free and to live on her own.
(b) She believed that he would eventually leave her for another.
(c) She believed that he didn't really love her as he claimed.
(d) She wanted him to be with someone who could have children.

3. Where did Angel and Michael spend their last night together before she left for the third time?
(a) By the stream where they camped for the night.
(b) Under the stars, looking at the moon.
(c) On the hill where he showed her the sunrise.
(d) In the cabin where they'd made a home.

4. When Elizabeth was in labor, what chore did she want to finish before giving birth?
(a) Scrubbing the floor.
(b) Cleaning windows.
(c) Washing dishes.
(d) Mending clothes.

5. What does a panic-stricken Miriam ask Angel to help her with in Chapter 24?
(a) Dressing a chicken for dinner.
(b) Making apple sauce.
(c) Catching a Godly man.
(d) Getting Ruthie out of a tree.

6. What happened on Michael and Angel's seventh anniversary?
(a) Their first son was born.
(b) They went to Sacramento.
(c) They adopted a new baby.
(d) They celebrated with a huge gathering.

7. When Angel asked Michael in Chapter 24 if he was ever sorry he found her, what was his reply?
(a) "A few times."
(b) "I can't answer that."
(c) "All the time."
(d) "Never."

8. Where did Angel want Michael to find a husband for Miriam?
(a) Pair-a-Dice.
(b) Sacramento.
(c) San Francisco.
(d) Los Angeles.

9. Before he went hunting, what did Michael bring to the cabin for Angel to work on?
(a) Several heavy sacks of dried corn for shelling.
(b) Several heavy sacks of walnuts for shelling.
(c) Several fresh chickens for dressing.
(d) Several bushels of apples for canning.

10. Who offered Angel a job in Sacramento?
(a) Duke.
(b) Rebekkah.
(c) A stranger.
(d) The Duchess.

11. Why did Paul want to leave the valley?
(a) John made an offer to buy his land.
(b) Michael made an offer to buy his land.
(c) He was in love with Miriam.
(d) He wanted to return to mining.

12. What was the one gift Angel could give Michael?
(a) Her obedience.
(b) Her faith.
(c) Her name.
(d) Her body.

13. What was Michael's reply when Angel asks him if he ever thought God was playing some horrible joke on him?
(a) No.
(b) Sometimes.
(c) What are you talking about?
(d) Yes.

14. What did the Altmans name their new baby boy?
(a) Benjamin Michael.
(b) Michael Paul.
(c) Murphy Joe.
(d) Paul Simon.

15. Who did Angel ask to run Magdalena?
(a) Susana.
(b) Duke.
(c) Miriam.
(d) Elizabeth.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who read the Christmas story at the Altman house?

2. What did the Altman's celebrate at the first gathering in their new home?

3. What was Susana's God Box?

4. What holiday was just days away from the birth of the Altman's baby?

5. How did Duke require his mistress to look?

(see the answer keys)

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