Redeeming Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Francine Rivers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Redeeming Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Francine Rivers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did John Altman talk about like it was heaven?
(a) Pair-a-Dice.
(b) The valley.
(c) Sacramento.
(d) Oregon.

2. What happened to Lucky and Mai Ling, Angel's co-workers, after Angel left Pair-a-Dice?
(a) They were killed.
(b) They started their own business.
(c) They moved away.
(d) They worked for another brothel.

3. In Chapter 19, whose rules does Angel say she wants to live by?
(a) "God's laws."
(b) "My own."
(c) "Yours, Michael."
(d) "The Golden Rule."

4. When Michael asks Angel what she sees in the mirror, what is her reply?
(a) "A stranger."
(b) "Nothing."
(c) "An actress."
(d) "My mother."

5. Where was Michael's last stop before leaving Sacramento?
(a) A bar.
(b) A brothel.
(c) A church.
(d) A general store.

6. What does Angel tells Michael that she knows all about?
(a) Love.
(b) Men.
(c) Life.
(d) Money.

7. How did Angel feel about the camaraderie between the Altmans?
(a) She was captivated by it.
(b) She was amused by it.
(c) She was confused by it.
(d) She was terrified by it.

8. What did God say when Michael asked him for guidance about how to help Angel?
(a) "Feed my sheep."
(b) "Turn the other cheek."
(c) "Tend my lamb."
(d) "Lead them out of Egypt."

9. When Michael and Angel are married, what does she say instead of "yes"?
(a) "Halleluiah!"
(b) "Why not?"
(c) "Oh, no."
(d) Nothing at all.

10. After her first week on her feet, why did Angel finally come out of the cabin?
(a) She was bored and tired of being cooped up in the cabin.
(b) She wanted to get to work to pay back Michael.
(c) She was lonely, and wanted Michael's company.
(d) She wanted to see how close civilization was.

11. Why did Angel say her father stopped loving her mother?
(a) "Because of me."
(b) "He never loved her in the first place."
(c) "Because he was a selfish man."
(d) "He was in love with his wife."

12. When Michael went to Sacramento, who did he take with him?
(a) Paul.
(b) The Duchess.
(c) A stranger.
(d) Angel.

13. What does Angel tell the Altmans to try and keep them from wintering with the Hoseas?
(a) She says the cabin is very small and food is limited.
(b) She says she met Michael in a brothel.
(c) She says that as newlyweds they require their privacy.
(d) She says wild wolves have claimed a neighbor's child.

14. Why does Angel mentally tabulate how much time and money Michael has spent on nursing her back to health and training her for independence?
(a) So she can tell everyone how much he cares for her.
(b) In order to mock him for his wasted efforts.
(c) In order to thank him for all of his efforts.
(d) So she can repay him for every hour and ounce.

15. On the way back to the valley from Sacramento, why did Michael pull off the road?
(a) To help a family whose wagon was broken down.
(b) To have a picnic with his companion.
(c) To fix the load which had shifted in the wagon.
(d) To stretch out the trip home and delay his arrival.

Short Answer Questions

1. By the beginning of the fourth chapter, how many times has Angel had said "no" to Michael's marriage proposal?

2. Who helped Michael rescue Angel from the Palace?

3. When Angel tells Michael, "You and God better not expect much," he replies ...

4. When Angel woke from a nightmare and Michael asked her what it was about, what was her reply?

5. Why is Sarah really sent to the coast with Cleo?

(see the answer keys)

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