Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. As the Rebels bear down on them, how does Henry feel?
2. Who does Henry conclude would never rage at nature?
3. What does Henry recall while waiting for marching orders?
4. Describe the man who helps Henry locate his regiment?
5. What starts the battle in the forest?
Short Essay Questions
1. What prompts the regiment to drive on in the charge?
2. What do Henry and his friend manage to do that boosts the morale of the Union forces to make the Rebels retreat?
3. After the charge, when they realized they were safe, how do some of the men return to their own lines?
4. During the next wave of battle, describe Henry's actions.
5. How does Henry find extra strength and courage during the charge?
6. Where does Henry's regiment go and why?
7. Thinking ahead, what image comes to Henry's mind?
8. How does Henry eventually get back to his regiment?
9. Tell what Henry and his friend overheard on the way back from the fruitless search for water.
10. As another charge comes toward Henry's regiment, describe Henry's emotions.
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Write a critique of THE RED BADGE OF COURAGE. In your critique mention Crane's use of literary devices, his ability as a story teller, whether the novel held your interest to keep on reading, and whether you would recommend it to other readers.
Essay Topic 2
Write an essay about living with regrets. Using Henry's regret that he was so unfeeling toward the tattered man he allowed to wander off and die alone, enlarge your essay about how everyone has some regret to live with. Discuss how to deal with regrets as Henry did, considering them a kind of learning experience.
Essay Topic 3
Write an essay on the importance of the red badge of courage to the theme of Stephen Crane's novel. Evaluate the title as to it effectiveness in arousing a reader to select the book. Also discuss how this badge differs from what is usually thought of as a badge of honor.
This section contains 694 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |