The Red Badge of Courage Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Red Badge of Courage Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Describe the man who helps Henry locate his regiment?
(a) He is a cheery and kind old man.
(b) He is stern and judgmental.
(c) He is young and idealistic.
(d) He is gruff and uncompromising.

2. What seems to be happening to Henry's perception as the shooting starts?
(a) He cannot see details.
(b) He is blinded by gun powder.
(c) His vision blurs.
(d) Everything seems sharper and clearer.

3. As he comes closer to the enemy, what does Henry realize is a great opportunity?
(a) to light a grass fire
(b) to shoot the Rebel colonel
(c) to capture the enemy flag
(d) to show the men an opening

4. As the regiment weakens, what is the effect on the lieutenant?
(a) He is less enthusiastic.
(b) He is shot in the head.
(c) He stops giving orders.
(d) He falls off his horse.

5. What conversation do the men have about the officer who called them mule drivers?
(a) What a stupid man he is.
(b) What they would do to him if they got the chance.
(c) How if they are the drivers, he is the mule.
(d) How he ever got to be an officer.

6. What does a Major volunteer Henry's regiment to do?
(a) charge the enemy
(b) return to base
(c) collect the bodies of the fallen
(d) ambush the Rebels from behind

7. What are the men doing in the forest as Henry nears his regiment?
(a) getting ready to sleep
(b) walking in circles
(c) looking for something to eat
(d) digging holes in the ground

8. When the Rebels charge them again, how does Henry now feel?
(a) afraid again
(b) alarmed
(c) indifferent
(d) confident

9. What does Henry recall while waiting for marching orders?
(a) Jim Conklin's death
(b) the corpses in the field
(c) the yellow envelope
(d) the dead soldier

10. What is the sound Henry hears as he fixes his eyes on a clump of trees?
(a) the song of birds
(b) the Rebel yell
(c) a low, growling sound
(d) the sound of laoding rigles

11. What happens when the shooting starts?
(a) The Rebels jump up and run.
(b) A bugle sounds retreat.
(c) Henry runs away again.
(d) Men on the front line begin falling.

12. What starts the battle in the forest?
(a) a Rebel yell
(b) a canon blast
(c) an order from the lieutenant
(d) a single gunshot

13. After the charge, how do the men know they are safe?
(a) The battle noises are now far away.
(b) The birds return to the trees.
(c) They are ordered to return to the battalion.
(d) Scouts report that the Rebels have retreated.

14. What is Henry's first impression as he wakes the next morning after returning to his regiment?
(a) He thinks that maybe the war is over.
(b) He wonders why everything is so quiet.
(c) He cannot remember where he is.
(d) He first thinks the sleeping men are corpses.

15. How does Henry rationalize his railing at nature while he was on the run?
(a) Hunger made him irrational.
(b) He didn't really mean it.
(c) The doomed and the damned are allowed to do it.
(d) He had been confused and disoriented.

Short Answer Questions

1. Once in position, what does Henry see?

2. After the battle is over when Henry distinguished himself, what do he and his friend attempt to do?

3. What is Henry's dark thought about the enemy?

4. What does a higher ranking officer do to the lieutenant?

5. What surprises Henry about his head wound?

(see the answer keys)

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