The Red Badge of Courage Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Red Badge of Courage Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does he think men perceive him?
(a) as a piece of trash
(b) as a greased pig
(c) as a worm in an apple
(d) as a mindless monkey

2. What is Henry's reply when the tattered man asks again about his wounds?
(a) that he doesn't want to talk about it
(b) that his wound is under his shirt and the bandages stopped the bleeding
(c) that his wound is a broken hand that cannot fire a gun
(d) that he was knocked unconscious and his head hurts

3. Why does the lieutenant hold his hand away from his body?
(a) so everyone can see his wound
(b) so the blood wouldn't drip on his pants
(c) so the men will turn left
(d) so he can grab his pistol quickly

4. What amazes Henry after the Rebels retreat?
(a) that he cannot stand up
(b) that he is still alive
(c) that the sky is still blue
(d) that his ears are still ringing

5. Who does Henry meet up with as he walks with the wounded?
(a) Jim, from his regiment
(b) the general he saw on a horse
(c) the lieutenant with the wounded hand
(d) the pipe smoking comrade

6. What happens to Henry physically as he marches on toward the battle?
(a) He becomes nauseated.
(b) He aches from pain, thirst, and hunger.
(c) He falls and breaks an arm.
(d) He trips over a dead soldier.

7. What does Henry wonder about seeing?
(a) the next sunrise
(b) the angel of death
(c) the bullet that will pierce his body
(d) the monster from which all these men were fleeing

8. What does Henry first blame for his guilty condition?
(a) circumstances
(b) the man in front of him who ran
(c) the generals
(d) consequences

9. How does Henry begin to feel about the battle he had been in?
(a) that it had all been a dream
(b) that it was far more dnagerous than what he ran from
(c) that it was only a minor incident
(d) that he had not understood the danger

10. What happens when a huge swarm of soldiers retreats with stragglers heading every which way?
(a) their tones change
(b) the sun sets
(c) the fog lifts
(d) they move to replace them

11. What is Henry's initial reaction to the results of his first battle?
(a) He wishes for a way to go home.
(b) He congratualtes himself on coming through it.
(c) He wishes he had run away.
(d) He is in a daze and cannot think.

12. How is Henry shooting and reloading as the Rebels arrive?
(a) not very methodically
(b) clumsily
(c) like a machine
(d) very slowly

13. What does Henry see his mother doing as he turns to look back?
(a) washing clothes
(b) praying and quivering
(c) hitching up the plow horse
(d) waving good-bye

14. What question is Henry's first rationalization for his having run away?
(a) Weren't there a lot of others who had run before he did?
(b) Didn't he stay close enough that no one would notice him?
(c) Wasn't saving himself the same as saving a piece of the army?
(d) Hadn't the lieutenant ordered him to drop back?

15. At what is Henry's anger directed during the battle?
(a) the noise
(b) the smoke
(c) the lieutenants
(d) the heat

Short Answer Questions

1. What brings Henry out of his stupor?

2. Why does Henry wipe his eyes with his coat sleeve?

3. Against whom does Henry develop a particular anger?

4. Who catches up to Henry after Jim Conklin dies?

5. How is the regiment treated on the way to Washington?

(see the answer keys)

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