Red Storm Rising Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Red Storm Rising Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In chapters 27-34, the Americans attack the Russians at the air base using what new technology?

2. Edwards notes that Vigdis does not complain about having to move about in hostile territory. Why is this especially significant?

3. Doghouse tells Edwards and his men are told to "take a little hike." Where are they supposed to go?

4. Toland observes that the Allied forces are capable of beating the Russians, but they must be able to do what first?

5. When American forces attack the Keflavik air base, how many American planes do the Russians take down in their counter-attack?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the interaction between the Russian and American pilots who end up near each other in the ocean after an air fight.

2. Why is McCafferty frustrated with his actions against the Russians?

3. Describe the after-effects of the Allies' defensive maneuver they call "Doolittle."

4. When Alekeseyev and Sergetov discuss the offensive in Germany, do they decide that the war is going well, or that it is going poorly?

5. Why is Edwards berated after the incident at the farmhouse?

6. What does O'Malley say is significant about the military's refusal to use the word "killing"?

7. Explain how all reports given to the Politburo are divided and organized.

8. Why do Edwards and his men attack and kill five Russian soldiers at a local farmhouse?

9. How does O'Malley react after he sinks his first submarine?

10. After the Pharris sinks a Russian submarine, how does Morris treat the Russian sailors he captures?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The importance of technology is a recurring theme throughout Red Storm Rising. Examine the importance of technology in each military's battle plans. Do advances in technology give a leading edge to one army or the other? Are there any battle plans that do not rely heavily on technology? Which plans rely most on technology? How would the outcome of the war be affected if technology were not so prevalent in the Allied forces' plans?

Essay Topic 2

Red Storm Rising was published in the midst of the Cold War. It includes many elements of Cold War politics, technological advances, and plays on many emotions and fears commonly held by people during the Cold War era. For a novel that is so time-specific, is Red Storm Rising still culturally significant today?

Essay Topic 3

Throughout Red Storm Rising, Tom Clancy uses vivid imagery to create verbal pictures of the events in the book.

Part One) Examine the significance of imagery in establishing the reader's emotions toward the two opposing forces in the book.

Part Two) Analyze the role imagery plays in descriptions of different battles in the book.

Part Three) Present and support an argument about the use of imagery to indicate a bias in Red Storm Rising. Does Tom Clancy bias his readers toward one side or the other? How? If not, how does he present both sides equally?

(see the answer keys)

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