Red Scarf Girl: A Memoir of the Cultural Revolution Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Red Scarf Girl: A Memoir of the Cultural Revolution Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Ji Li help with Jin's Exhibition?
(a) She was a guide.
(b) She gave some artwork.
(c) She put up tables.
(d) She pasted posters.

2. What did Zhang Xin tell Ji Li to do on the day he met her?
(a) Keep quiet.
(b) Dream big.
(c) Study.
(d) Find beauty.

3. What was the Worker's Revolt?
(a) A newspaper.
(b) A radio program.
(c) A book.
(d) A secret organization.

4. Why did Ji Li stop going to school all together?
(a) She was afraid of the Red Guard.
(b) Her family was implicated.
(c) There were no teachers for her age.
(d) She was needed at home.

5. What did Jin say about the students at the school meeting?
(a) Their families were black listed.
(b) They were the best in the school.
(c) They showed potential.
(d) They were in trouble.

6. When did Fan Wen Chong come to visit?
(a) During winter vacation.
(b) During Harvest season.
(c) During Summer break.
(d) During the New Year celebration.

7. What charges were held against Dad?
(a) Writing propaganda.
(b) Housing criminals.
(c) Listening to foreign radio.
(d) Creating anti-Mao art.

8. What did a story about the Jiangs say?
(a) They had lied to the Chairman.
(b) They were a revolutionary family.
(c) They were land owners.
(d) They were planning to escape.

9. What was Ji Li doing when she fainted?
(a) Working at the thresher.
(b) Folding her sleeping mat.
(c) Cutting rice.
(d) Cooking dinner.

10. How did Ji Li choose to prove herself amidst the bad rumors?
(a) By ignoring anyone who mentions the rumors.
(b) By bringing her mother to the Exhibition.
(c) By not showing up to the Exhibition.
(d) By doing a good job at the Exhibition.

11. Why did Ji Yun begin crying one day?
(a) She lost her bag.
(b) She saw a teacher beat.
(c) She was given a bad grade.
(d) Her house was searched.

12. What did Ji Li do when she was injured?
(a) Quit her job.
(b) Went to the hospital.
(c) Went home.
(d) Finished working.

13. Why was Ji Li told to work somewhere in the summer at her meeting?
(a) It would be better for her future.
(b) It would protect her family.
(c) It would stop the stories.
(d) It would change her feelings.

14. What did Zhang tell Ji Li to overcome?
(a) Her mind set.
(b) Her father's ideals.
(c) Her family background.
(d) Her educational delays.

15. What was a study session?
(a) A test.
(b) An interview.
(c) An interrogation.
(d) A search.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Ji Li know Lin Lin?

2. How did most people react to Ji Li's Exhibition presentation?

3. What made Ji Li nervous about the Class Education Exhibition?

4. What did the Jr. High teachers have to mix with education?

5. What was Ji Yun called at school?

(see the answer keys)

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