Red Prophet Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Red Prophet Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color are the leaves at Eight Face Mound?
(a) None of these.
(b) Amber.
(c) Gold.
(d) Silver.

2. Why doesn't Alvin want to eat the fish?
(a) The taste of the fruit from his dream would vanish from his mouth.
(b) He isn't hungry.
(c) He is worried about Tenska-Tawa.
(d) He is worried about his brother.

3. What does Mike Fink recognize about the "war"?
(a) It isn't his kind of fight.
(b) Neither of these.
(c) It isn't a war, it is a massacre.
(d) Both of these.

4. To whom or what is La Fayette more of a friend than he is to Napoleon?
(a) Robespierre.
(b) France.
(c) All of these.
(d) King Charles.

5. What does Taleswapper believe is Alvin's deepest wound?
(a) Thinking that he has failed.
(b) Both of these.
(c) That if he'd have tried harder he might have gotten Measure there in time to save them.
(d) Neither of these.

Short Answer Questions

1. With what are the Reds armed?

2. Who does Harrison employ to do in Measure?

3. What does a White man do when he comes to a valley?

4. How do visions come to Taleswapper?

5. With what does Alvin need Measure's help?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Ta-Kumsaw convinced is the reason for Alvin's grief? What is Taleswapper's argument?

2. What is interesting to note about the way Alvin makes the journey with Ta-Kumsaw?

3. What does Alvin know will happen by the third time he tells the story of what happened at Tippy-Canoe?

4. What does Napoleon tell Ta-Kumsaw to say to Alvin, and what is Alvin's response?

5. What specifically hurts Alvin when he examines his brother?

6. What is the rule regarding the letters?

7. What is interesting about Becca's eyes?

8. How do Alvin and Measure differ in the way they view their family?

9. What is the only way that Ta-Kumsaw can get to Alvin and why does he need to do so?

10. Why doesn't Alvin leave when he is feeling so lonely in Ta-Kumsaw's presence?

(see the answer keys)

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